Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1289

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INDEX. 1255 Navajoe Indian Reservation, Naw] smb", spppoprintion for balance due for survey 88 appppiiptions for, at _ . ... ey est ... 508 N¢v¢u¤¢S» Mo d C‘t vgjipropristions for the ... 26, 346, 555 Ne:rl.oudoii·.‘.'.·.'.` i O l -:302, 508, 538 N,. ,4..,,;..,,%, _ _ storm timer. III I Iééé tos apprrgipetion for additional quarters for 90 for emergencies at I 503 mi — ipmen . .. commandin r officers f, t tak · students in, not to be required to study on dence ovler ull odicgers (placed blnetigr Sunlltiyt , .. . .. 319 their commend . 537 appropriations for . 328, 329, 533 aid or executive of . . ... 537 not to be exceeded ... _ . 5 33 rank, precedence, orders... .537, 538 rep nnsland improvements of public Naval Vessels, iui invs . .. 534 one or more of our, may be used to transfor ewtpenses of board of visitors to.. 329 port supplies to the destitute, &c. peostudents in, to be culled cadet midship· N _ ple of hence and Germany ,. 596 men .. 334 avzgatzbn, how to be selected and appointed. .. 334 appropriations for bureau of. . .248, 324, 325, when to receive appointments as mid- 493, 528, 529 shipmcn, how promotell, &c . . 334 Lizvnyalfon and Trade, Naval Asylum, . privileges and annuities oC not stipuat Pliiludelphia, eppropristionsfor.321»323, heed for hy treuty with Chim}; to be 327 526 527 su ject to the discretion of the hinese Naval Construrlors, , ’ government. 739, 740 psy ol] established .. .. 331 Navy, reluti ve rnnk and pay oh established 536 deficiency appropriation for, for year endprovision as to rank of retired .. 537 ing June 30, 1870 . . 68 Naval Eugims, for bureau of steam engineering 68 D0 part of navy appropriation to be cx- of construction und repairs. 68 pendcd for, contracted for during the how only toIb§§:§pendcd.i) ... 68 wer .. . 531 certain unexpcn e ounces to ecovtre Naval l·bn.-es, into the treasury 68 may be called upon to sid in serving accounts of officers of the, for government process by officers appointed by com· properzc charged to, may be closed missioners to execute process issued when, .. . . I . ._ 166, 167 under the act m mlb;-ce the right w act to remain in force two years.. Z . 167 V01c .. . . ...,.. 142 D0 settlement to be made except m the President may call upon the, toaid in certain cases ... 167 the execution of such process 143 apprlrpriulilllls for, for your! {Hd- Naval Hus rflalr in June 30, l8r 1, und June 30, 18l2.321— 1 . 8 appropriations for at 2 533 t f to be expended 023;. ; 538 Ai l`· 3 8 ¤0 M ¤ _ '

 .. .  .  , 532 oil' nuul engines contracted for

Mnre bland .. 328, fdigztgstlpladwsiptknkéb. stil · · ·· . .. a o o a 1 · 2 §;m.5·.·.;·.;·.·.· ... P 1 __ 7 · 526 1’en<ueo1u . . .. ..., 533 North Pole expedition . . 526, 534 Philidelphis ... . . . . . 533 bureau of yards and docks. .2;;, gg? Wmhin-·mn .,.. · . 533 uuvy yards . .. 1, , , Naval J ml le bzldvzcute and Solicitor, naval stations und asylum.3?1,;%22;n525; 527 e roprintiuns for salary of .. I0, 494 ¤PI`l1'0P1`]¤l1011$ ]°l' ¤“‘“f *9 1 Ndw[pl;,,]m,.,,,D,y_ pain] gram income 0 muzi pen- 527 at New York, appropriation for 533_ sion un I . . . . El.:-334 Naval ws_,,.,,,,y0,y_ cml establishment at nm y yur s. . . 526- 5Sé appropriations for . 324, 529 _ u, _ * supernit-ndent oti may contract for re- 334 bureau of equipment and rccr mug.323, 5gé freezing telescope, &c . . _ _ M, ,,,,*;g»;3;·~¤>***~¤*~···*··r¤=·**'···‘ ·-·- · ····· 33* °’“‘7;€f1i’%‘lt;eo4.;.;-git:1i"T?‘?§§$;3§i3 '· . . ‘n . . . 2 , maxi num lpayldof, established .,...,,,... 251 American Nautical Alma an 529 Naval Pension `uz , _ . f t it of Venus_ 530 N ·;*·;y,@·~*···¤ w ‘*° Pm ‘”°°‘ ····· · ···· *22 °"’°”iY3`IS°I£,i.€ 2Z.`,'I$mi.ti. .. cs

  • 1** ~ ° **" °"- .. 25, 530

X0 be under the supervision and control bureau of ordnance: . _' .3 5 530 · . t { Jus. of construction and Yr pH11S. · Zi? , pt the head of the Depurtmcn 0 162 Sem Wi,mm_!h,S pawn, fc,. ,,,,B_ 53 168.. . ..,,..·· , _ i."'.'.. 0 to hold orliee until, &c .. . .: 163 r bw ggpgéié-grade prior to “’ be *‘l’l’°l"“’d by tm P"sld°"l’ by' my m.1Vl·li·¥hT me .; a2:: =ng;;’,b;,.,·•·-·•·-·••·:;;;: claim °f,iC6l_HsS Ste=?m_E.z,lg, in0 "“"°‘ °§ z;u;,;,;z,;,;,;zm.;;.;·;. ‘‘‘‘ ‘°“ ""’ “'°’;?.°,,§.·. to bcgpaid O. .5,.,...3 ..~ ¢ ’ ‘ · ‘ . ‘ ec o · ur- NM $··’·~’~·‘ <···¢' ·’ *‘*’*“"* “""'“’· §{,‘?‘}l.§“.’5'.II?`f’. Yiilllii . l ui appropriations for salary of .. 10, 494 ¤