Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1272

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1238 INDEX. g i Kidder, Assistant-Surgeon Jerome E, Land Districts, (continued.) mag accept decorations from the Klngof Walla-Walla in Washington . . .. . . . 472 ortugal .. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . 666 Clarksville in Arkansas, discontinued. . . 277 Kieman, James L., Land Forces, § Mraymeut to the widow of ... . .. 658 may be called upon to aid in ¤1‘Vl¤S P{°· Ki Iebeojaer Tobias J, cess by officers appointed by commis- . may apply for extension of patent... 683, 634 sioners to execute process issued under Kinson, Richard A., the act to enforce the right to vote 142 j P¤_Yl¤¢11t t0, fOr Services..,,,., 680 the President may call upon the, to aid Kiowua, in the execution of such process .. 143 appropriations for the.. 14, 545, 546 Lands, reservation of $ 2,500 each from atmui· cession of certain, to the United States by ties of} for Helen and Heloise Lincoln. 377 the Chippewa Indians of the Missisproyinon in case of the death of sippi . .. 719, 720 either ... . . 377 of certain Chippewa Indians, to be ex- Kirkland, Laeut.—Commander W. A., empt from taxation and sale for debt. . 721 may accept a gold modal from the Em- not to be alienated except, Cnc .. 721 peror of Ernnce .. . .. 661 Lands, Public, Kirkpatrick, Robert T., certain grants of, to Alabama, for railclaim of to be audited and paid . 702 roads renewed, subject to conditions, Kirtland, Janes, Fowler, and Company, &c. of former grant 45, 46 payment to, for services . . . . 681 See Alabama. Kiltcrj granted to Little Rock and Fort Smith appropriations for navy yard at..321, 323, 326, Railroad Company to whom and how 327, 508, 526 — 533 to be sold . 46, 47 Kvolenays, grunt of to aid in the construction of to appropriations For the .,. 23, 553 railroad and telegraph line from the Klarrtat Indians, Central Pacific Railroad in California appropriations for the ... 24, 344, 345, 554 to Portland, in Oregon, amended . 47 treaty with, of October 14, 1864 707 -712 assent of railroad company may be See Snake Indhzns. · filed within one year from, &c 47 Knoxville, acquired rights not affectecl 47 act making appropriations for custom not more than one company entitled ·housc,court-house, and post-office build- to a grant of land .. 47 ing to include and revive all unex- lands, how and to whom to be sold., 47 pended appropriations therefor ... 310 bona fide settlers on the absentee Shawnee appropriation for custom-house at ... 509 lands in Kansas may purchase the sume 53 on lands acquired from the Greatand Little Osage Tribe of Indians, may L. purchase, &c . . . . . . 55, 56 Labomtmy certain settlers on the Sioux Indian reserfor department of agriculture, appropria- vation in Minnesota. to have until tion for . .. 490 March 1, 1871, to make proof and pay 370 Laboratory, Naval, grant of certain, to City of Port Huron at New York, appropriation for . 533 for Pine Grove Park , . . . . 76 Laborers, to the Oregon Central Railroad Compay off established ... . 250 pany .. .. . . 94 Ladies' Monument Association, Peoria, Illinois, location of certain agricultural college comlemnetl ordnance granted to 391 scrap in WVisconsin, in excess, &c. legalno expense to government for trans- ize . . ... . 116 portation . . 891 portion of the, in the District of Colum- Lakes, bia, known as the government farm, to appropriation for survey of northern and _ be set ot? to the Reform School .. 121 northwestern ... .300, 507 grant of certain sections of. to the Union government pier-heads on northern and Pacino and Central Pacific Railroad northwestern to be marked ... 809 Companies, at the point of junction Lake Steamers. See Steam Vessels. near Ogden .,.. 121, 122 to carry what lights . . . 45-1 certain sales and locations oi in Kansas, Lake Superior uml Portage Luke S/up Canal, confirmed.. . . · .. 122 time for completing, extended .. 55 persons claiming title to any part of the Lake lVinnebqqos}1i°sh Indians, Hot Springs reservation in Aikunsus appropriations for the . 18,19,339, 549 may bring suit in court of claims to Land Bistrfcts. Sec Lands, Public. settle the same .. 149, 150 boundaries of', may be changed and re- certain entries of, in Alabama, confirmed 182, csmltlishetl by the President of the 183 United States in his discretion 171 authorities of Salt Lake City may enter Springfield and Pembina, established in certain,and to what amount under, &c. 183 Dakota . .117, 118 school section may be included .. 183 Arkansas in Kansas. .. .. . . 122 indemnity therefor. . . , 183 Arkansas Valle in Colorado . 139 agricultural college scrip to be received Republican in Igansas established. .. 189 from actual settlers in payment of pre- Sbastn, in California, established. .. 365 emption claims as, &c ... 186 Susanvillo in California .. . ... 409 certain locations of such scrip made Harrison and Dardanelle in Arkansas. .. 277 valid., . . . . . . . . 186