Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1145

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POSTAL CONVENTION WITH BRAZIL. MARCH 14, 1870. 1111 Brazil Ishall establish hy agreement, and in conformity with the arrange- Exohan of ments in force at the tune, the conditions upon which the two offices may °°}"’?SF"f"£“°° exchange, in open mails, the correspondence originating in or destined to iglfx other countries to which they may respectively serve as intermediaries; @811 ¤<>¤¤¤‘i¢8· but such correspondence shall only be charged with the international postage established by this convention, augmented by the postage rates in force between the forwarding country and the country of destination, and any other tax for exterior service. The two Post Departments are mutually to furnish each other with lists stating the foreign countries to which the foreign postage, and the amounts thereof; must be absolutely prepaid, or can he left unpaid ; and until such lists are furnished, neither country is to mail to the other any correspondence for foreign countries beyond the country to which the mail is sent. Correspondence of this class must: be accompanied by a letter-bill from the dispatching exchange office, specifying the amount due thereon to each office, and the receiving exchange office shall return by next post to the dispatching exchange office an acknowledgment of receipt and verification thereotQ which letter·bills and acknowledgments of receipt shall serve as vouchers in the settlement of the accounts. The accounts to be kept between the two departments upon this class of correspondence shall be stated quarterly, transmitted and verified as speedily as practicable, and the balance found due shall be paid promptly to the creditor office under such regulations as the respective Post Departments may from time to time prescribe. Anrxcmz VIII. Letters and other correspondence originating in Certain corforeign countries, and addressed to the United States or to Braiil, re- ;°“P°’ld°“°°*° . . . . . e delivered free spectively, on which the foreign and internauonal postage charges are of ,,h,,,.g,,_ fully prepaid, shall, when forwarded through the mails of either country to the other, be delivered in the country of destination free of charge. ARTICLE IX. The official correspondence between each government Omoialcorand its legation near the other, and that of the latter with the former, {);Sl>°“d?_¤i]° to shall be conveyed to its destination free of postage, and with all the pre- two ° ”g°' cautions which thetwo governments may find necessary for its invio1a· bility and security. Anrrcnm X. Neither Post Department shall be required to deliver _Prohibited on any article received in the mails, the circulation of which shall be pro- *‘°l°8· hibited by the laws in foree in the country of destination. ARTICLE XI. The two Post Departments may by mutual agreement _Rogistei·ed atprovide for the transmission of registered articles in the mails exchanged **°l°¤· between the two countries. ` The register fee for each article shall he ten cents in the United States, and two hundred (200) reis in Brazil. ARTICLE XII. The two Post Departments shall settle, by agreement Measures of between them, all measures of detail and arrangement required to carry d°°“’l' this convention into execution, and may modiiy the same in like manner, from time to time, as the exigencies of the service may require. ARTICLE XIII. This convention shall take effect from 8. day to be :0¤§1;¤l;>¤ fixed by the two Post Departments, and shall oontinue in force until an- Zhi'}; “ ° nulled by mutual consent, or until one year from date of notice given by one of the departments to the other of its desire to terminate the same. ' ARTICLE XIV. The present convention shall be ratified, and the mn- m;¥¥§é1t¤l>¤ fications shall be exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, as soon as possihle. ` In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have s1gned and sealed the same. Done in the city of Rio de Janeiro, this fourteenth day of the month of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy. HENRY T. BLOW. [san,.] BARAO DE COTEGIPE. [SEAL.]