Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1047

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POSTAL CONVENTION WITH ITALY. NOV. 8, 1867. 1013 DETAILED REGULATIONS Arranged between the Past-Office Department of tim United .S?ates of M¢¤‘¤h 19, Mw America and the Postal Administration of Daly, for the Execution of 2.—.’ 1868' the Postal Convention signed at Fhzrcncc the 8th day of Mvember, A. D. 1867. ARTICLE I. The exchange office of New York shall make up closed Cmsed mans. mails for the exchange office of Italy, Susa, Turin travelling office, and this Italian exchange officc shall make up closed mails for New York. ARTICLE II. Each mail exchanged between the two administrations Letter bills. shall be accompanied by 0. letter bill showing the postages, the charges of transit, the fees, ctc., accruing to each offncu upon the different kinds of correspondence. The form of this letter bill shall follow the models A and B hereto Forms. annexed, and shall consecutively be numbered by the despatching office PW': PP- 101% during each calendar year. 10m' The receiving oitfice shall acknowledge its receipt by the next de- Receipts. spatch. ARTICLE III. The exchange offices shall divide the correspondence Separate packwhich they despatch into a suitable number of separate packages, accord- “€°“· ing to the letter bill. ' Each of these packages shall bear the proper etiquette and number corresponding to the letter bill. ARTICLE IV. When more than a single rate is chargeable upon any Nungbcr of letter or other article, the number of rates to which it is subject shall be {€;$f·();{€m§;; to indicated by the despatching ofHcc, by a figure in the upper left corner of bg ;nd;q,};€4, the address. Au·r1c1.1c V. Registered correspondence shall be described in a regis- Register listter list, following the model C, hereto annexed. P°"* p' 1°2°’ All registered letters shall be enveloped together in a, strong paper t R#°K*?1*€*°<} {ét- securely fastened, and the packet inscribed with the words “Registered “H an mm °s‘ or “Raccomandat0," and placed in the mail. The blank in the letter bill for expressing the number of registered articles shall be filled by letters expressing the number. In case no registered articles are sent, the proper blank of the letter bill shall be filled by the word N?/nfl, or Nil. ARTIGLE VI. The registered letters despatched shall be acknowledged Same subject. immediately by the receiving 0{Hcce If the verification by the receiving Mice shall disclose an error of any kind in the register list, it shall be also by the first mail notified to the despatching office. Amrcmz VII. The two administrations mutually engage to take Same subject. needful measures for the careful transmission of registered correspondence, and for pursuing it when lost; but it is understood that neither assumes to the other any pecuniary responsibility in casa of loss. ARTICIIE VIII. All letters exchanged between the two offices shall Marks aud indicate, by stamps or writing thereon, the officc of origin. “t°•mP" Correspondence fully paid to destination shall be stamped Paid All iu the United States, and P. D. in Italy.