Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1042

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1008 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH ITALY. JULY 8, 1863. applied according to the weight stated by the despatching department, except in case of manifest error. Dctnilstobe Anrrcm: XXIV. The two departments shall settle by agreement °°°°l°d' between them all measures of detail and arrangement required to carry into effect this convention, which may be modified from t1me to time by special arrangements to be agreed upon directly between the two Post Departments. _'l`hl¤¢<>¤V¤¤- Anrictm XXV. This convention shall take effect from a day to be

,,,“f,;’::,‘° fixed by the two Post Departments, and shall continue in force until one

long focontinue; year from notice given by one of the departments to the other of 1(S intention to rescind it. ‘Yh°¤ *° b° Arzricuc XXVI. This convention shall be ratified, and the ratificamlnm tions exchanged as soon as possible. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present convention and have afiixed thereto their seals. Done in duplicate, at Turin, the eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. [L. s. JOHN A. KASSON. [L. s.} G. B. BARBAVARA. We, having seen and examined the above-signed postal convention, and having approved thereof in all and each of its parts, have accepted, ratified, and confirmed the same, as by these presents we accept, ratify, and conhrm it, promising to observe it, and to cause it to be inviolably observed. In faith whereof, we have signed with our hand the present letter of ratification and have caused our royal seal to be atiixed thereto. Given at Turin, the sixth of the month of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the fifteenth year of our reign. [L. s.] VICTOR EMMANUEL. On behalf of His Majesty the King, the Minister of State for foreign adairs, VISCONTI VENOSTA. I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the I eited States to be aflixed. [L. s.] ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: WILLIALI H. Snwnnn, Secretary of State. Wnsnmcrou, May 4, 1866. The undersigned havin met to ether ‘for the ur cse of h ` the ratifications by the Pxisident df the United Sitatgs of Amlhiiddi His Majesty the King of Italy of the postal convention concluded and signed at Turin on the 8th of July, 1863, and the said acts of ratincation having been produced, and having, after careful collation, been found in. good and due form, thelexchange thereof took place this day. In witness whereof, the undersigned have prepared the present certificate, which they have signed in duplicate and sealed with the seal of their arms. Done at Florence the 14th day of June, 1866. [L. S.] GEORGE P. MARSH. L. s. A. LA MARMORA.