Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/96

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34 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 51, 52. 1868. Payrnent of To facilitate the payment of soldiers bounties, in acoordanee wieb pro.

f£l°" b°““` visions of aces of July twentycxght, mghtcen hundred and snxry-mx, and

1d66,ch. 290, March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, for salaries of fifty 9 uv }3— 822 clerks of class one, sixty thousand dollars. Tg§'g§'3,_To supply a deficiency in the office of the paymaster-general for blank .4¤¢e,5.43. bo¤ks,smionery, binding, and other contingent expenses, ive thousand Sggfxgglge dollars. _ _ K Hydmuon ot: For deficiency in the appropriation for defraying the expense of hy· S°¤¤*° °h°¤*l’°'· drntion of the Senate chamber, three thousand dollars. &°' For deficiency in the appropriation for stationery, ten thousand dollars. For deficiency in the appropriation for furniture and repairs, Eve thonsand dollars. For deficiency in the appropriation for clerks to committees, pages, horses and carryalls, fifteen thousand dollars. Pension offica. To supply a deficiency in the contingent fund of the Pension Office, ten thousand dollars. Approved, June 8, 1868. JMS 8 1868- CHAP. LII. ———An Act mak' g Appropriations for the Support q" the Army fm- zh Y Y aiding June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixtynine, anclfw other Purposes.': mr Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Army appro- Statesqf America in _Oon_qress assembled, That the folloiving sums be, P"l‘“l°"' and the smne are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine: Recruiting. For expenses of recruiting and transportation of recruits, one hundred thousand dollars. PW- For pay of the army, fifteen million dollars. fcopnqutauon ~For commutation ol' ofiicers’ subsistence, two million one hundred and Qn§‘};,fégl‘°° tlnrty-three thousand four hundred and thirteen dollars. _ For commutation of forage for officers’ horses, twenty thousand dollars. H°£¤g}¤;¤r;;¢*:i;; 6fFor payments m lieu of clothing for 0Hicers’ servants, two hundred and ' my thousand dollars. For payments to discharged soldiers for clothing not drawn, two hun- _ dred thousand dollars. ckg<>¤¤¤¤S¤¤- For contingencies of the army, sixty thousand dollars. md;c,,,_&°_ For medical and hospital department, two hundred thousand dollars: dopm-tnmnt. Promded, That all sums that have accrued to the credit of the medical 18‘;2,‘;’;‘;·' 1,,0. mul hospital department from the sale of medical and hospital stores, or v01_ xw_ p_ .,g_;_ from anx other source, except appropriations made by act of March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, are hereby directed to be covcred mto the treasury at the close of the current fiscal year. Medicnxl mu- For army medical museum, five thousand dollars. ‘f;'f(‘sf‘“ Forymegical and hother (peicepsary works for the library of surgeon- _ genera s o ice, two t uusan dollars. gc For expenses of eommanding-gcneral’s office, five thousand dollars. Qm“,mmm_ Iior regular supplies of the’ department, to wit: teftnlcpxmrt- Por the regular supplies of the qum·termasters’ department, consisting m ” - of fuel for officers, enlisted men, guards, hospitals, storehouses, and offices; of forage m kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the quartermasters’ department at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field, for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of artpllerif, sfnd such compnmes’0f infantry as may beimountcd, and for the aut aonmci number of officers horses when serving m the field and at the ontposts, including beddmsg for the animals; of straw for soldiers’ bedding; and of stotionery, mcluding blank books for the quarterms1sters’ department, ccrtificetes for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and quartermasters departments, and for printing of division and depart ment orders and reports, five million dollars.