Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/854

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822 INDEX. Umpire, (continued.) United States Mail &eamship Lzize, (continued.) treaty provisions as to choice and duties letters, &c. not to be detained to be sent of the, in the claim, commission estab- by this line . . . . . 229 lished by the treaty between the United average rate of speed to be attained . 229 States and Mexico.  » . . .. 682* if not attained, contract may cease. . . 229 Uinpquas, compensation not to exceed postage, &c.. 229 a propriations ford1e..- . . . . 200, 218 to be paid to the company quarterly. 229 Uncaliedfzr Letters, when sea postages exceed $400,000 a certain, ,to be returned to writer, without year, company not to receive inland additional postage. . .. ... 194 postages nor sea postages beyond Uncpapa Band of Sioux Indians. See Sioux, $600,000 .. 229 §·c. company may issue bonds . 230 treat with, of April, 1868.. 635, 645 amount and when payable . 230 Unexpcmagd Balances, principal and interest payable in in the hands of the commissioner of coin ... 280 bureau for refugees, &c. how applied . . 83 to be registered at Post-Oliice Departof appropriation for wagon maids in Da- ment . . 230 kota, to be used to complete bridge Postmaster-General to apply moneys over Dakota river . .. 89 earned for postages to pay the interest Ungybrm, on the bonds, and balance {br sinking of Capitol police and watchmen, how to fund .. 230 be selected and furnished 12 when sinking fund equals principal, inappropriation therefor 12 terest how to be paid and postnges persons in the diplomatic service of the how applied 230 United States not to wear, unless, &c. . 23 foreign mail agents of the government to Ungform Dress, have free passage .. . 230 may be prescribed for letter carriers . 197 company to maintain steamships for penalty upon those not letter carriers for twenty years ... 230 wearing . _ . . 197 privileges of the act not to be assigned or Union Chapel of the Methodist Episcopal Church, transferred . ... . 230 in Washington, D. C,, trustees ot] may intent of act .. 230, 231 mortgage their property . 186 Congress may terminate the contract or Union Pacific Railroad Company, Lejxal the act . .. 231 time of holding the annual meeting of} Univer Exhibition at Paris, channpd . . . 245 commission of the United States at the. .. 19 place w ere to be held . . ... 245 who to be president of . 19 term of present directors when to cease. . 245 to meet in aris, and at whose call.. 19 Union Pacyic Rai/way Company, to make rules, &c. elect vicc—presi— may contract with Denver Pacific Rail- dent, and appoint committees, &c. 19 way and Telegraph Cdmpzmy for the may designate honorary commissionconstruction, &c. of its road and tele ers without compensation 19 graph between Denver City and Choy- may employ secretary, clerks, and enne .. 3 M dranghtsmen ... . ... 19 shall extend its railroad and telegraph to no commissioner to act as agent 19 a connection at Denver, so as to form appropriation for freights and transporcontinuous line from Kansas City to tation . 19 Cheyenne .. 324 for insurance .. . . . 19 road, &e. to be operated by Denver steam-power at Paris .. 19 Pacific Railway Company ... 328 exhibition of machines, erection of' operating of road and rates of tariff buildings, &c . . . 19 not n ccted 324 collecting, &c. specimens of the minboth companies may mortgage their eral wealth of the United States. . 20 roads, &c .. 324 clerks, laborers, and incidental exmay receive patents for alternate sec- penses nt Paris and New York. . .. 20 tions of land ... . 324 detailed statements of expenses to be but are not entitled to subsidy in madetoCongress through departments United States bonds 324 of State ... 20 Union Pacijic Railway Company, Eastern Di- Upper Yanctonais Indians, vision, appropriations for the .. 216, 217 may change its name to the “Kansas Uruguay, Pacific Railway Company " .. 348 additional salary of minister of United United States lllail Steamship Line, States to . .. 319 organized for the proper conveyance of Utah Indians, mails and passengers . ... 229 a pro riations for the .. ... 217 ecvcn first-class stcamships to be built by Utah 2amrD1Zvtrict, the Commercial Navigation Company constituted ... . ... 91 of New York, where and within what register and receiver, their powers, &c. . . 01 time .. 229 land offices, where to be located 91 steamships, how to be commanded .. 230 pre-emption and homestead liiws to apply armament, apprentices . 230 to lands in . 92 may be taken by the United States Utah Territory, ‘ as transports, &·c. if exipncy re· appropriations for government of. . . ,108, 300 quires . 230 for surveyor-general ot &c:. 101, 1 15, 293, payment therefor. . . . .. 230 306