Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/65

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PUBLIC ACTS OF THE FORTIETH CONGRESS or crm: UNITED STATES, Passed at the Second Session, which was begun and held ai the Oity of Washington, in the District of C’oZumbz7a, an Jlhnday, the second dayqf December, A. D. 1867; was aeijoumcd on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, A. D. 1868, to meet at Washington, on Monday, the lwcntyjirst day of September, A. D. 1868 ; met at Washington on said twentyfrat day ¢y" September, and was, on that day, aeyoumed to meet at Washington on Friday the sixteenth day if October, A. D. 1868; met at Washington on said sixteenth day of Octc er, and was, on that day, aoyoumed to meet at Washington on Tuesday the tenth day of November, A. D. 1868; met at Washington on said tenth day of November, and was then aoyoumed without day. Anmmw J onus0N, President. Bnnumm F. Wsmc, President of the Senate. Scuuynnn Comux, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHAP. 1.-An Act granting a certain R3;]/at of Way to the Hudson River West Shore DW- 1% $$67- Railroa Company. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of the United wig!? of EY States is hereby given to the Hudson River West Shore Railroad Com— R_ B`? 5g?,°v§£ pany to locate, construct, and operate its railroad on the Shore line, across gvvémment the property belonging to the government at West Point, in the State of §‘£§§'z::vW°°‘ New York, upon such location and under such regulations as shall be York., approved by the Secretary of War. Approved, December 14, 1867. CHAP. II.-An Act to provide for ng of Names of Persons in the Dzktrict of Dec. 20, 1867. za. " ""*’*""" Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Gzited States of America in Olmgress assembled, That Samuel Chase Barney, B$°·¥¤¤*§ Ohm Jr., of the District of Columbia, be, and he is hereby, authorized to ch°';;g’m:' my change his name to Samuel Chase De Kraft, and that this act shall take name. effect from December first, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That any person being a resident thR*B*!dt°P*·:i$ of the District of Columbia, being desirous to have his or her name C,$m,5,Q°m;y changed, may file a petition in the supreme court of the said District of havctheirmsmca Columbia, setting forth therein the reasons therefor, and also the name °h“”€°di desired to be assumed; notice of the filing of such petition containing the “g¤>d° OY P1‘<>· substance and prayer thereof shall be published for three consecutive m' weeks in some newspaper in general circulation published in said District, prior to the hearing of said petition. The said supreme court, or the justice holding the civil term thereof, on proof of such notice, and upon such showing as may be deemed satisfactory, may change the name of such applicant according to the prayer of such petition. Approved, December 20, 1867. VOL. xv. PU¤.—3