Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/57

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 20, 21, 22, 23. 1867. 25 . 20. aint ut'i t necessa or ‘ March 29 186 .

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Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War Sé“’V°}'¤» PY¤·¤¤» bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause surveys, with plans :2 ,,::,'§Q°}2:.°:t° and estimates of cost, to be made by an officer of engineers, for a ship ship canal canal around the falls of the Ohio river on the Indiana side thereqi of :‘E°3gdgg?{‘m suitable location and dimensions for military, naval, and commercial pur- Biym; poses; and also to causc said officcr to estimate the expense of complet- E!Y¤¤3¤¤ of ing the Louisville and Portland canal, on the Kentucky side of said falls, ‘f °£g:5§:€;g° according to the plan on which the said canal company is now progress- Portland canal ing with said work, and that the expenses of both be defrayed Hom the '°1g:6°*"g¤*;·§°£· sums appropriated in the acts of June twenty-three, eighteen hundred 1g6y;§hf1“_ and sixLy-six, and March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, for ex- Vo!. xiv. pv aminutiou and surveys relating to the improvement of harbors and rivers 7°• 418* on the northwestern lakes. APPROVED, March 29, 1867. N0. 21. Joint Resolulzbn ta authorize the Secrda 0 War to build Dredge Boat: March 29, . [ ] Use at the Mouth of the Msgmépi River. M- il Be it resolved by the Senate and Lbusc of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongrass assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Secrewyrv of and is hereby, authorized, on the recommendation of the engineer depart- y" gba: 'nd ment, to build and operate two dredge boats for the purpose of deepen- m bouts, to ing and keeping open the channel of one or more of the passe at the k;’°P °!{°*;,'°h° mouth of the Mississippi, and to expend for that purpose so much as :::;,13:,, of 3]: may be necessary of the appropriation for the improvement of the passes at the mouth of the Mississippi river, provided for in the “Act making appro- gfggfsff Qh° priations for the repair, preservation, and completion of certain public 1867, g1i,.·1u. works heretofore commenced under the authority of law, and for other V<>i· ii'-P-418- purposcs," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. .A1>PROvm>, March 29, 1867. [N0. 22.] Joint Resolution autnarizig the Second giudimr to Settle the Accounts of Ojms Mardi ”• 1837- qf the rmy in certam Cases. Bc it resolved by the Senate and House of R resentatiucs of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TEM: the second auditor be, wzmd;%d$ and is hereby, authorized and instructed to audit and settle the accounts ug the goqouufg of line officers of the army to the extent of their pay for their services as of lim ¤¤i¤¤¤Q¤ such, due them from the United States, in all cases where such nu- QQ gg;;; ditor shall be satisfied by affidavit of such line oi’dccr or otherwise, of &¤. their inability to make their monthly report or returns by reason of their having been prisoners in the hands of the enemy, or any accident or casualty of war, they have been unable to account for property in their possession. APPROVED, March 29, 1867. [No. 23.] Joint Ruolutian relative to thelssue of Agricultural College istrip to the Stem Mmh ”» IWW lately in Mbellion. WHEREAS on me third day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, by 1€Q§°g°£1°}30 the authority and direction of tha President of the United States, agricul— Vol. iii. p. 603. tural college scrip, covering nearly two hundred and seventy thousand acres, was issued and delivered to the State of North Carolina, under the act of Congress of July fifih [second], eighteen hundred and sixty-two, pmviding For agricultural colleges; and whereas, by the same authority, the general land office is now preparing to issue scrip in like manner to the States of Virginia, Georgia, and Mississippi ; and whereas said action of