Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/529

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TBEATY WITH THE SACS AND FOXES. Fnnnuanr 18, 1867. 497 gate cost of which shall not exceed ten thousand dollars; and also at the expense of the tribe, five dwelling~houses for the chiefs, to cost in all not more than five thousand dollars. As soon as practicable after such selection of a reservation as it may, Bgmgyd 4 in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, be deemed advisable *h° l¤dl¤¤•*? for the Indians to remove theretoyregard being had to the proper season mw r°°°"m°°' of the year for such removal, notice given to their agent, directing such removal; and whenever such time shall be fixed, public notice thereof shall be given in three leading newspapers of Kansas, and thereafter the land ceded to the United States by the first article of this treaty, shall be open to entry and settlement, under the provisions of the fourth article. Anrrcnn VIII. No part of the invested funds of the tribe, or of any certain claims moneys which may be due to them under the provisions of previous trea- °S:i¤*·;*h° ties, nor of any moneys provided to be paid to them by this treaty, shall zi,,;',,:;; °°t be used in payment of any claims against the tribe accruing previous to the ratification of this treaty, unless herein expressly provided for. Anrrcnn IX. In order to promote the civilization of the tribe, one 1;;;,,,,,,,,;;,1,,,; section of land, convenient to the residence of the agent, shall he selected ¤¤l}¤<{l» ¤¤h°¤l by said agent, with the approval of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, b“‘ld"'g°’ A"' and set apart for a manual labor school; and theie shall also be set apart, from the money to be paid to the tribe under this treaty, the sum of ten thousand dollars for the erection of the necessary s[c]hool buildings and dwelling for teacher, and the further sum of five thousand dollars, if the chiefs shall so request; and the annual amount of five thousand dollars shall be set apart from the income of their funds, after the erection of 5,,,,;;,,,, mq,. such school buildings, for the support of the school; and after the settle- vmvwd l`¤\‘ ¤l¤i¤- ment of the tribe upon their new reservation, the sum of ten thousand dol- P°°°’ P' 5°°° lars of the income of their funds may be annually used, with the consent of the chiefs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for agricultural implements and assistance, purchase of stock, and otherwise in encouraging and assisting such of the tribe as will zrurn [turn] their attention to agriculture, and in support of their national government, for which last-mentioned purpose the sum of dve hundred dollars shall be annually paid to each of the five chiefs, two hundred dollars to each of ten councillors, two hundred dollars to their mashal [marshal], and the remaining three hundred dollars be subject to the disposal of the chiefs. ARTICLE X. The United States agree to pay annually, for five years Physician, after the removal of the tribe, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the f¤¤dl¤l¤¢S, fo~ support of a physician and purchase of medicines, and also the sum of b°‘°°° and Sm' three hundred and fifty dollars annually for the same time, in order that the tribe may provide itself with tobacco and salt. Anrrcnn XI. In consideration of certain improvements made by John gmt Oflandg Goodell upon the lands of the nation within their present reservation, and tv <=¤¤‘l·¤i¤ W- of his services as their interpreter, he shall be allowed to select therefrom °°°°' a haltisection of land; and it is further provided that of said land, Sarah A. Whistler and Pash-e-ca-cah, or Amelia Mitchell, shall each be allowed to select a half-section of land, the latter selection to include the house in which she lives; and Julia A. Goodell one quarter section, besides the Amended, land, not exceeding eight acres, upon which her house and improvements PM P- 501- are situated; and Mary A. Means one quarter section, to includfe] the improvements occupied by her; and there shall also he allowed to Antoine Gokey and William Avery, each one hundred and sixty acres, to Leo Whistler and Gertrude Whistler, each three hundred and twenty acres, and to James Thorpe, Virginia Thorpe, and Cassandra Thorpe, Thomas J. Miles, and House Miles, each eighty acres, to be selected from unimproved lands: Provided, That they may select from lands upon which improvements exist, by paying the appraised value of such improvements; but no selection shall include the agency, mission, or mill v01.. xv. Tmzar. -32