Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/487

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 152, 153, 154. 1869. 455 bored forty-one, forty-two, forty-four, forty-six, and forty-seven, Territory C¤¤`*·¤l¤ PH: of New Mexico, as known and designated by the numbers aforesaid in ;"§J°"§I°l”1'm' the reports of the surveyor-general of the said Territory and on the books lzontirlliedlxum of the commissioner of the general land office, be, and the same are hereby, eonfirmed : Provided, That such confirmation shall only be construed C¤¤‘*¤i¤ Fislm as a quiz-claim on [or] relinquishment of all title or claim on the part of “°°"E°°°°d‘ the United States to any of the lands not improved by or on behalf of the United States, and not including any military or other reservation embraced in either of the said claims, and shall not affect the adverse rights of any person or persons to the same, or any part or parcel thereof. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the commissioner of the general Claims Mba land offiee shall, without unreasonable delay, cause the lands embraoed in $l‘;;;§°t;}l‘d t said several claim; to be surveyed and platted, at the proper expense of gms tolissueim ` the clairnmts thereof; and upon the filing of said surveys and plats in his office he shall issue patents for said lands in said Territory which have heretofore been eonfirrned by acts of Congress and surveyed, and plats of such survey filed in his office as aforesaid, but for which no patents have heretofore been issued. Sec. 3. And be it fur!/zer enacted, That all surveys authorized by this S¤¤‘v¤y¤ tv act shall conform to and be connected with the public surveys of 1l1e§‘;'Q“3;:,t:p“b' United States in said Territories, so lar as the same can be done consist- y U ently with the landmarks and boundaries specified in the several grants upon which said claims are founded: Provided, however, That when said Prvvisolands are so confirmed, surveyed, and patented, they shall in each case be held and taken to be in full satisfaction of all further claims or demands against the United States. Approved, March 3, 1869. CHAP. CLIII. —An Act fw the Relief<y" Captain Charles Hunter, United States Navy. Mulch 3· 1869- Ba it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in O'on.gz·css assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- CuP‘;Y}“°3g t'} , _ _ p am aren ury be directed to pay to Captain Charles Hunter, United States navy, Hunter. out of any monies [moneys] in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, pay as commander in the navy, on leave, from the twenty-second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, to the twenty-first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. Approved, March 3, 1869. CHAP. CLIV. —A.n Act for the Relakf_<y" Wright Duryea. Mfirch 3, 1869. Wxrnnans on the tenth day of April, anno Domini eighteen hundred Preamble. and fifty-five, a patent was issued to Wright Duryea, of the city, county, and State of New York, for a certain “ card exhibit0r," and that owing to circumstances beyond his control he has not, up to the present time, as it is alleged, derived either profit or emolument therefrom; and furthermore, being desirous of applying for a renewal of said patent, has been prevented by ill health from making the petition therefor within the time specined by law: Therefore, ' B2 it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Skates ey" America in Congress assembled, That the commissioner of W1‘igh@D¤;‘· patents is hereby authorized and empowered to receive the application xlllglgxzlfgg for the renewal of said patent, in the same manner and with the same putent. efect as though the time had not passed which is specified by law within which applications for the extensions of patents are required to behmadez Provided, That no person who may make or use said " card exhibixor," Pr0vis¤· after the expiration of said patent and before an extension thereof shall be granted by said commissioner, shall be liable to any action or damages therefor. APPROVED, March 3, 1869.