Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/40

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3 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 13. 1867. Y¤Y*`<>¤‘lt>¤bli¤¤- publication of the laws passed by Congress and executive proclamationg "°"-°ft °1°'wS’ and treaties in the apers of the District of Columbia than is provided &c. in the papers _ _ . in the District by law for such publication in other papers. And the newspapers m the °f€°l;?’b;· s_ ten rebellious States named in section seven of “An act making apnro-· P,PZ;,_;:° thezgu priations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending rebellious Sims June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and for other purposes," §vl’:l§;h’ lm which have been or may be designated in pursuance of the provisions of ° I said section for the publication of the public laws and treaties of the United States, shall publish the public laws and treaties of the Thirty- ninth Congress, authentic copies of which it shall he the duty of the Sec- S°°"°*"·*'-Y9f retary of State to furnish as soon as practicable, after receivinv notice of Eomigstfo mmm such designation; and there is hereby appropriated out of the treasury, Xpproprintion. from any moneys not otherwise appropriated, a sum sutiioient to pay for Aooounts md said service: Provided, That the accounts therefor shall be settled in the ¤*° °*` P°Y· usual manner, and the compensation shall not exceed the rate fixed in section seven aforesaid. Clerk of the Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of section seven of

£’;:g:§;_;’l?:° an act entitled “An act making apyiropriationsfor sundry civil expenses

the wml; of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and §°¤§¤¤?·¤d }'$¤1‘l:i- sixty-eight, and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen theigxgfleégl hundred and sixty-seven, as relates to the publication of the treaties and nottoss,&».sro laws of the United States, be and the same is hereby extended to the

  • ° l’° P“bl'°l’°d· States not therein designated, and to the Territories; and that it shall be

SGCFGWY of the duty of the Secretary of State upon receiving notice of the desivna- State to furnish - ’ . . . ° www tion of newspapers under the act aforesaid and this section, promptly to furnish to such newspapers authentic copies of the treaties and laws of m'IB;$*;i§;E°” the United States to be published as aforesaid: Provided, That it shall ' lawful to print the laws and treaties of the United States, as aforesaid, Estes or pay. an three newspapers in Louisiana: And provided ftrther, That the rates xed by previous laws shall not be hereby increased. f°¢m*:*£':;‘tP*°¤’ Sec. 4. And be it furt/wr. enacted, That the following sums be, and R€pmS,mmM,_ the sutne are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise-appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year lending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, name y : — $¤¤¢i¤¤¤fy· bu-5`or stationery for the House of Representatives, nine thousand dol- Newspapers. For newspapers, ten thousand dollars. Miscellaneous. For miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. Appropriation Ssc. 5. And be it further enacted, That there be, and hereby is spfor ¤¤l¤*‘¤¤¤ °l` propriated out of any mone in the treasur not oth r`,ted O0mmlS8l0HGT of · , · .y . y . G wisc approprla ’ education and for salaries of the commissioner of education and his clerks, twelve th0u— his clerks; sand four hundred dollars, for the period of three months ending June thirty', eighteen lhunélreél and sixty-seven, and for the year ending June irty, ew teen un re and sixt -e' ht. m3?;;:; ¤¤d For fuzrnishing offices and for slyatilgnery, six thousand dollars. Repmxof For the repair of Long Bridge, District of Columbia, to be expended Legg Bridge: under the direction of the Secretary of War, fifteen thousand dollars. for ggggggtg" Sec. 6. And be it fin·lne·r enacted, That the following sums be, and the yndhm dpk,g,,__ same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not other- Wsshggggs WISH anpr0pr1a(;ed; to euableltge Seénretary of the Interior to psy the expenses mcurre y certain n ian elegations in visiting Washington city iorto the purpose of negotiating treaties and in their return home, to $i¤¤¤· For the Sioux of Lake Traverse, ten tnousand dollars. Kama In For the Sioux of the Upper Missouri, fifteen thousand dollars. mms- · 1arFor the tubes residing m the State of Kansas, fifteen thousand dols. Ch¤PP°W°»¤· For the Chippewas of the Mississippi, six thousand dollars.