Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/375

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RESOLUTIONS. [N0. 1.] A Resolution in Relation to the Lib:-my of the Department of Agriculture. Dec. 15, 1868. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United

States of America in Congress assembled, That the commissioner of C<>¤[1¤¤iSSi¤¤¤1‘

agriculture shall regard the library now under his control, and in his pos- ?§g*;§.QK;E§ f; :r2 session, as part of the property of the department of agriculture, and he ry inhis possesshall retain the same in his charge as directed by section three of the act approved May fifteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, establishing a de- pagmgnt of- ag. partment of agriculture. riculture, &c. Appnovnn, December 15, 1868. $2%] :;g 1Z?5gg [N0. 2.] Joint Resolution donatirw condemned Cannon for the Erection of a Monunaent to Dec. 21, 1868. Blqior- General Kearney. Bc it resolved by -t}zc Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Obngress assembled, That the Secretary of War bc, Condemned and he is hereby, authorized to furnish such condemned iron cannon as 3222 =‘f;;“;°d may be required, not exceeding four, for the completion of a monument at mgnuyygzgnt to Tivoli, New York, ovcr the remains of the late Major-General Philip M¤j9¤'·G¤¤°¤‘¤i Kearney, and other Union soldiers buried at that place, who lost their lives ;h.§I§g§$;‘ °°Y in the latc war. Arr·R0v1cD, December 21, 1868. [No. 3.] Joint Resolution azphmalmjy of lhe Act to create an additional Land Ojiee in Jg14, 1869. the State of Minnesota, approved July fwenly;/ij2h, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. 1868, éfiéf · Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives 1y' the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the limits of the land Construction district as designated in the act entitled "An act to create an additional of liwitq of {Md land district in the State of Minuesota," approved July twenty-fifth, “‘ Mm eightccn hundred and sixty-eight, to wit: "al1 that part of the northwestern land district which lies north of township number one hundred and twenty-four north and west of range number thirty-five west of the fifnh principal meridian,” shall be construed to embrace all the lands north of township one hundred and twenty-four and west of said range thirty-five. A1>1·¤0V1·:D, January 14, 1869. [No. 5.] A Resolution authorizing the Tramqfér of certain Appropriations Iwrdqfnre made F€b· 9, 1869.

/br the public Printing, Binding, and Engraving.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States af America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Tr¤¤sf¤r of Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the sum of ?£pl';*;‘::°‘°“ cnc hundred and ninety-Four thousand dollars to be transferred from the fm- public print-

1 ro riation " for a cr for the public rintin ," contained in the act an- iw, for Public

PP p p,p ,p . P g . . . bmdm and titled "An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and mhogfqahing judicial expenses of the government for the year ending Juno thirticth, and engmving. eighteen hundred and sixty-nine," approved on the twentieth of July, 13% °h· °· eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, in aid of the appropriations contained 'p