Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/301

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 21, 23, 24, 31. 1869. 269 CHAP. XXI. —-An Ad Supplementary to an Act entitled "An Act to confirm the Titles to F¤b· 2, `1869· certain Lands in the State of Nebraska/’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United MM P` 186- Smes of America in Obngress assembled, That the provisions and bene- P¤>Vi$i¤¤¤ 0* fits of an act entitled "An act to confirm the titles to certain lands in the gzawiggaguggqg State of N ebraska," approved the twenty-fifth day of July, anno Domini Nebraska, exeighteen hundred and sixty-eight, be, and the same are hereby, extended *““d°d· to the east half and northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section nine, township fifteen, range thirteen east, sixth principal meridian, in Douglas county, N ebraskayand that the title to the same is hereby confirmed to the parties holding by deed from the patentee. Approved, February 2, 1869. CHAP. XXIII. -An Act making Appr0pr£ali0ns_for the Payment of Salaries and comin- Nb- 9. 1869- grmt Expenses of the Paient Office for January and February, ery/zteen hundred and ”—_—-_-_- szzly-·nme. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be appropriated, out Ap{>¤‘Qp¥‘i¤*i<>¤ of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifty- gggalgzffggd four thousand seven hundred and sixty-six dollars for the payment of the penses of the salaries of the officers and employees of the patent office, and for the Pmni °@°°- ordinary contingent expenses of said office, for the mouths of January and February, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. AP1’1tOVED, February 9, 1869. CHAP. XXIV. — An Act to amend an Ad entitled “An Act to prohibit the Coolie Trade Feb. 9, 1869. by American Citizens in American W2sse{s," approved Ibbruary nineteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Vol. xii. p. 340. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That all the provisions of an act YF<>hil>m¤¤ °f entitled “An act to prohibit the coolic trade by American citizens in ‘Q§Qg;dt”,;df,Y,:;_ American vessels," approved February nineteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, shall be extended so as to include and embrace the inhabitants or subjects of Japan, or of any other oriental country, known as coolies, in the same manner end to the same extent as such act and its provisions apply to the inhabitants and subjects of China. Approved, February 9, 1869. CHAP. XXXL-An Act for the tempo··az;1; Relief of the poor and destitute People in Feb. 18, 1809. the District of Columbia. —""`"“"" Be it enacted Qy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of thirty thousand Appropriation dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of money in the §;*`tLS°Sg°;"yc€¤§1; treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the temporary relief of the poor C,,l,,mb;L_n and destitute population in the District of Columbia, to be expended 1868, eh. 24. under the supervision and direction of the mayor of the city of Wash— ·'1'“‘• ¥’· *1* ington, the mayor of the city of Georgetown, and the president of the levy court of the District of Columbia. SCHUYLER COLFAX, Speaker of the House of Representattves. B. F. WADE, President of the Senate pro tempore. Indorscd by the President: “Received February 6, 1869." [Norm sr run Dm·An·rM1m·r or Srurs. — The foregoing act having been _ presented to the President of the United States forhis spproyal, and not h_sving been returned by him to the house of Congress IH which it originated within the time prescribed b the Constitution of e United States, has become a. law without his upprovah]