Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/298

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266 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 2, 4, 7, 9. 1869. WS¤°€’°*~°·*‘Y °*` Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be author. géoégggzdu ized and directed to convey by deed to Storer College, an institution of Eahege; learning chartered by the State of West Virginia, all those certain portions of the aforesaid property, namely: the buildings, with the lots on which they stand, numbered thirty, thirty-one, and thirty-two, and also building numbered twenty-five, with enough of the lot on which it stands to give a breadth of ten rods on High Street, otherwise known as Washington Street, all of said buildings and lots being situated at Harper’s Ferry aforesaid, being the same which have heretofore been assigned by the War Department to the bureau of refugees, freedmen, and {md other pm-. abandoned lands, for educational purposes ; and also to convey by deed ¢i¤¤S *»<><>¢b°¤‘ to the proper persons all such other lands and buildings, portions of the P?”°“s' aforesaid property, as have heretofore been set apart by the proper authority for religious, charitable, and town purposes. Approved, December 15, 1868. Dec- 22, l868· CHAP. IV.-—An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act imposing Taxes on distilled

 »S'_u1'rz'ts and Tobacco, and _/or other Purp0ses," approved July twentieth, eighteen hundred

Ante, p. 159. and sixtyeight. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United After Fw 1, States of America in Congress assembled, That the seventy-eighth section ggfgé IQ22E2t5g3c' of "An act imposing taxes on distilled spirits and tobacco, and for other notto be sold, purposes," approved July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, &°- “”l°”» &"· be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out the words “ first day of January," wherever they occur in said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " fifteenth day of February." Annnovnn, December 22, 1868. JMHMY 8. 1869- CHAP. VII. —An Act authorizing the Admission in Evidence of Copies of certain Papers, Documents, and Entries. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C°P'°“£fP";. States of America in Congress assembled, That copies of all oiilcial papers £g;,:i;?&:?,,(;- and documents belonging to and filed or remaining in the office of any the United consul, vice-consul, or commercial agent of the United States, and of all Egfggédwixgm official entries in the b00ks or records of any such office, shall, when be evidehce in certified under the hand and official seal of the proper consul, vice·consul, ¤°*%¤‘** °*`°h° or commercial avent, be admissible in evidence in all the courts of the United States. U . ¤ mted States. APPROVED, January 8, 1869. _;l¤·¤· 14· 1869- CHAP. IX, —An Act to repeal certain Provisions of Section six of an Act entitled “An. 1867, ch. 170, § 6. [ict making App1·0prfatfons_[br the Support pfthe Army for the Year ending June thirtieth, Vol- XIV- p· 487- ezyhteen hundred and szxty-etght, and for otner Purposes," approved Mamh second, eigh- See pool, p- 337- teen hundred and sixfyseven. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United bnkggg Q; States of America in Congress assembled, That section six of the act en- ,-0,%, ff, stm, titled “An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the forrnerlyin re- year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and for E§lé;°2é:;§;“l°d other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty- States. Seven, so far as the same is applicable to the States of North Carolina, Secpw, p· 337- South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana, is hereby repealed. Approved, January 14, 1869.