Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/238

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206 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1868. 0¤·¤¢k¤· and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred and forty dollars. For permanent annuity for iron and steel for shop, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two hundred and seventy dollars. For permanent annuity for pewnanent annuity for the pay of :1 wheelright, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. V°l· VH- P· 419· For blacksmith and assistant and for shop and tools, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, eight hundred and forty dollars. For iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President. per fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two hundred and seventy dollars. For wagommaker, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. For assistance in agricultural operations, during the pleasure of the President, per eighth article treaty January twenty-fourtli, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treaty August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, two thousand dollars. For education, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, and fifth article treaty August seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, one thousand dollars. For five per centum interest on two hundred thousand dollars For purposes of education, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, ten thousand dollars. For interest on seven hundred and seventy-five thousand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars, at the mte of five per centum per annum, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, thirty-eight Vol. xiv. p. 786. thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight dollars and fbrty cents, under provisions of third article treaty June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. For transportation of such articles as may be purchased for the Creek nation, under treaty of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thousand dollars. To defray the expenses of removing certain refugee Creek Indians, now on the Red river, to their old homes in the Creek country, and to supply them with the necessaries of life until such a. time as they shall be able to raise crops for their own support, four thousand dollars. For expenses of taking a census, and investigating the claims of loyal VO} xiv p 787 Creeks, refugees, and freedmen, as per article four, treaty of June four- '`teen, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thousand dollars: Provided, That no moneys hereby appropriated to the Creek tribe of Indians shall be paid to them until such Creeks as may have been properly enrolled by the Creek agent previous to the fourteenth day of March, anno Domiui eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and who were refused any share in the moneys then distributed per capita under orders fiom Louis V. Bogy, commissioner [of] Indian uiiizirs, for the reason that said persons were of African descent, shall first be paid therefrom a. per capita, dividend equal to that to which they were entitled in said payment of March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and equal to that paid to other Creek citizens at that time.