Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/232

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200 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1868. Vol. xiv. p. 713. seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-tive, fifty-six thousand dollars; or so much thereof as may be needed to comply with the requirements of said treaties. For the construction of an agency building, according to the fourth article of said treaty, three thousand dollars. For the construction of a warehouse and storeroom for the use of said agent, fifteen hundred dollars. _ _ For the building of a residence of a physician to said Indians, three thousand dollars. For the salary of a physician, fifteen hundred dollars. Cmpoctas, Ualapaoias, Molalla, and Clackamas Indians, of Willamette Valley.-· g‘2”£:; ‘;‘:dIn_ For fourth of five instalments of the third series of annuity for beneficial 5;,,:,, of wm,. objects, per second article treaty twenty-second January, eighteen hundred m¢tt¤ V¤ll¢y· and fifty-tive, six thousand five hundred dollars. Vgé? l"‘ 114* O/zeyemzes and Arepalmes. —-For the first of thirty instalments pmyennes _ , and Arapahoes. vided to be expended under the tenth article of the treaty of October P°¤*» P- 5% twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, concluded at Medicine Lodge creek, in Kansas, the amount to be in lieu of the third of forty iu- Vol. xiv. p. 704. stalments stipulated to be paid under the terms of the treaty of October fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-tive, forty thousand dollars ; or so much thereof as may be necessary to furnish the articles named in said first-named treaty. For the construction of an agency building according to the fourth article of said treaty, three thousand dollars. For the construction of a warehouse and storeroom for the use of said avent, fifteen hundred dollars. n For the building of a residence of a h sician to said Indians three ousun dollars. ui ti ti ll ° P Y ’ For the salary of st physician, fifteen hundred dollars. For transportation of goods, and so forth, to the Kiowas, Comanches, Apaches, Cheyenncs, and Arapahoes, twelve thousand dollars. 0h¤¤;•\U$¤¤- Uhasta, Seaton, and Umpqua bw}£ans.—-— For fourteenth of fifteen in- '",;}; §‘Q(jhm';P“ stalments of annuity, to be expended as directed by the President, per ll/ol. x. p. 1122. third article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For fourteenth of fifteen instalments for the pay of a farmer, per fifth article treaty eighteenth N ovembcr, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, seven hundred dollars. For fourteenth of fifteen instalments for pay of teachers and purchase of Iboolcshaing stationery, per filth article treaty eighteenth November, · eirr iteen un red and fifty-four, twelve hundred dollars. Clitppewlis of 6U/zzjnpewas of Saginaw, Swan Oree/c, and Black River.- For this 2***-¥‘“"“’· Swlm amount, to be placed to the credit of the educational fund of the Chipreek, uml . . . y;;,,,,;, R,v,,,._ pewas of Saginaw, Swan creek, and Black river, per fourth article treaty Vet. xiv. p. 658. eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, twenty thousand dollars. L Ohippewas of O/nppcwas of La/cc Superior. —— For fourteenth of twenty instalments `}'°,f’x_"g’f’;f’Jé_ in coin, per fourth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-tbur, five thousand dollars. For fourteenth of twenty instalments in goods, household furniture, and coolxng utensils, per fourth article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hun red and fifty-four eight thousand dollars. Nor fourteenth of twenty instalments thr agricultural implements and catt e, carpenters and other tools, and buildine materials per fourth argple trzaty thirtieth September, eighteen huiidred and lfifty-four, three ousan dollars. For fourteenth of twenty instalments for moral and educational purposes, three hundred dollars of which to be paid to the Grand Portage baud yearly,'to enable them to maintain a school at their village, per