Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/145

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Suse. II. Ch. 177. 1868. 113 For a. fog-signal at Eaton’s neck light station, three thousand dollars. E**l°¤'¤ N°°k- F or the erection of a permanent buoy on Success Rock, Long Island S¤¢<>¤¤¤ R°¤k· Sound, three thousand dollars. For repairs and renovations at Brockway’s Reach and Borde0's Flats B\‘<><=l¢W¤y'¤ beacons, eleven thousand four hundred dollars. B“‘°h· &°‘ For protecting the lighthouse site at Barnegat, New Jersey, seven B¤¤¤€6¤*· thousand dollars. _ For et new lantern at Delaware Breukwater light-station, two thousand Demmre dollars_ Breakwater. For range lights on Sullivan’s Island, Charleston Harbor, fifteen thou- Sullivan'; sand dollars. Isl““d· For day beacons on Oyster Rocks, mouth of Savannah River, two Oyster Rocks. thousand dollars. For rebuilding the lighthouse at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and Htting Cape C¤nsve~ it up with at first-order catadioptric light, in addition to former appropria· mltions, thirty thousand dollars. For reimbursing the keepers at Timbalicr lighthouse the loss of their Keepers at private property, destroyed with the lighthouse, four hundred dollars. §lmb“li°’ llghlf For range lights at Bai1ey’s Harbor, Wisconsin, six thousand dollars. Ogaiicyw HM- For repairs and renovations at Beaver Island light station, five thousand bor. dollars_ Beaver Island. For renovating and relighting the lighthouse on Michigan Island, Lake Michigan Superior, six. thousand dollars. Island' For a range of lights for Copper Harbor, Lake Superior, with a. fog- Copper Hsubell or such other ear-signal as the Secretary of the '1`reasury on the b°£; b H recommendation of the lighthouse board may adopt, in addition to former Og- e ` appropriations, five thousand dollars. For at first-order lighthouse at Point Ano Nuevo, or vicinity, Califor- Point Aiio_ nie, ninety thousand dollars. N“°"°· For a. steam lighthouse tender for the twelfth district, to replace the Steumlightone wrecked on the coast of California, ninety thousand dollars. ¥°“3’ f$“‘l°;’·_ For one buoy and lighthouse tender for service on the Atlantic and 0l;MS,_:,£;“,,;Q Gulf coasts, forty thousand dollars. Gulf c¤¤¤¢¤- For cnubling the lighthouse board to experiment with new illuminating _Experi¤nents_ apparatus and fog-signals, in addition to former appropriations, one thou- ;’;3;]“°&“’ ‘2r‘;‘?;; sand dollars. and {gg EQ,,,,;,, For enabling the lighthouse board to re-establish lights and other aids Rvestablishto navigation on the southern coast, in addition to former appropriations, mgglghgl &°· one hundred thousand dollars. 2:,,s€_ul' em For compensation of two superintendents of the life-saving stations on Life-saving) the coast of Long Island and N cw Jersey, three thousand dollars. ¥5‘;l°({‘:83 N;} For a lit”e—boat and station at the south end of Narraganset Beach, jersey; Rhode Island, two thousand dollars. B N¤;`F¤S¤¤5¤¤ For compensation of fifty-four keepers of stations, at two hundred °§;,Q§m°,-m_ dollars each, ten thousand eight hundred dollars. tions. . For contingencies of stations on the coast of the United Contingencies. States, ten thousand dollars. Revenue Chttter »S'ervice.—-For pay of officcrs and pilots, four hun- Revenue outdred and eight thousand six hundred dollars: Provided, That hereafter t°‘i§;';;; of no expenses of the revenue marine shall be paid out of any other fund mmm.; marine, than that herein specified. MW *° b° P*“d· For rations for officers and pilots, twenty-eight thousand four hundred and seventymine dollars. For pay of petty officcrs and crew, three hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For rations for petty officers and crew, one hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and sixty-one dollars. · For fuel, one hundred thousand dollars. For repairs and outfits, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. vox,. xv. Pm:. —- 8