Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/140

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108 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 176. 1868. APt>*¢¥}>¤‘ifgi0¤ For salary of the clerk to the acting assistant treasurer at Denver, Om, fw °ler`§’ ·°' thousand eight hundred dollars. of depositanes _ _ . . . at Denver; For salaries of clerks in the office of the depositary at Louisville, five L°“‘“‘u°* thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. 0hi¤¤g¤s For salaries of clerks in the office of the depositary at Chicago, twg thousand six hundred dollars. _ Pittsburgh: For salaries of clerks and watehmen in the office of the depositary at Pittsburgh, three thousand four hundred dollars. Baltimore; For salaries of clerks and messengers in the office of the depositary at Baltimore, seven thousand six hundred dollars. Cincinnati. For salaries of clerks in the office of the depositary at Cincinnati, fourteen thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Additional For salaries of additional clerks, and additional compensation of officers cljrgijé 90 and elerks, under act of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, for v01_ fx_ 5§_ the better organization of the treasury, at such rates as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem just and reasonable, fifteen thousand dollars. Designeted For compensation to designated depositaries, under fourth section d°P°"“““°“‘ of the not of August sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-six, for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, five thousand dollars. Special ¤¤z<¤¤€S· For compensation to special agents to examine the bool<s,:ieeoi1nt.s, and money on hand at the several depositaries, under the act of the sixth Aui gust, eighteen hundred and forty-six, six thousand dollars. C°“*mS°¤*°X‘ For contingent expenses under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen pauses. . . . . hundred and forty-six, for the collection, safe—l<eeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, in addition to premium which may be Proviso. received on transfer drafts, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no mrt of said sum shall be exuended for clerical services. l l Clamkts xm;] For cheeks and certificates of deposit for oiliee of assistant treasurer at

 as ° New York and other ofliees, eight thousand dollars.

Governments GOVERNMENTS IN THE TERRITORIES. in Territories. _ _ _ _ _ _ ·1~0,-moqy of Terrttory ofNcw M.vt·zco.—- For salaries of governor, chief justice and New N<>>¤¤°9 two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said Territory, one thousand Eve hundred dollars. For interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundreddollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty ouvs 1 id dollars' · · th zi t. of Utah; _ Ywjrctory of Ulu/L. —— For salaries of governor, chief justice, two associate judges, and secretary, twelve thousand dollars. d lh or contingent expenses of the Territory, one thousand five hundred 0 ars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, officers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty thousand dollars. ot Washing- Zbrrzlory of Washington. -— For salaries of governor, ehief justice, two WM associate judges, und secretary, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. d §or contingent expenses of said '1`erritory, one thousand five hundred o ars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, omcers, clerks, and contingent expenses of the assembly, twenty t iouszim o urs. ofColorndo. Territory Colorado. —— For salaries ot governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, cliietjiistiee and two associate judges, and seeretnrv, eleven thoiisnnd eight hundred dollars. V For conttrigentexpenses of said Territory, one thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative as-