Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/133

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F ORTIETH CONGRESS. Szss.II. Ch. 176. 1868. 101 telcgraphin g, for miscellaneous items on account of bounty lands and mili- WSW °l*· 8% tary patents under the several acts, and for contingent expenses under V°l"x’P‘51°' swamp—land act of September twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and fifty, ten thousand dollars. S,,,,,,, 0,,,%,,,,, Surveyors- General and their Olerks. —— For compensation of the sur- ml MX *l=¤¤‘ veyor-general of Minnesota, two thousand dollars, and the clerks in his °l$i,l§;,,°s0m_ office, two thousand five hundred dollars. For surveyor-general of the Territory of Dakota, two thousand dol- Dakota,. lars, and the clerks in his office, two thousand five hundred dollars,- four thousand five hundred dollars. For surveyor-general of Kansas, two thousand dollars, and the clerks Kansas. in his office, four thousand dollars. For surveyor-general of Colorado and Utah, three thousand dollars, C°l°*'”d° °·¤d and for the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. Utah' For surveyor-general of New Mexico, three thousand dollars. New Mexico. For surveyor-general of California and Arizona, three thousand dol- California and lars, and for clerks in his office, four thousand five hundred dollars. A'i¤°¤°· For surveyor-general of Idaho, three thousand dollars, and for clerks Idaho. in his office, four thousand dollars. For surveyor-general of Nevada, two thousand five hundred dollars, Nevada. and the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. For the surveyor-general of Oregon, two thousand five hundred dol- 0¤*S°¤· lars, and for the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. For surveyor-general of Wasliiiigton Territory, two thousand five hun- W¤Sl1i¤£l¤0¤- dred dollars, and for the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. For surveyor-general of Nebraska and Iowa, two thousand dollars, and Nebraska and the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars. Im"' Flor surveyor-general of Montana, three thousand dollars, and for the Montana. clerks in his office, three thousand dollars. For recorder of land-titles in Missouri, five hundred dollars. R¤<=9rd¢1j<>f For services of ·the clerk of the district court of the northern district "‘ of Mississippi, as keeper of the records and files of the land office at Pay of clerk Pontotoe, Mississippi, from June fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, 0i dlsléici Cgllft to June fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, five hundred dollars; {,°,.k,XQ°gi·i&€§S,,iS and it is hereby made the duty of said clerk, on the passage of this act, spipi, and duty to transfer the records and files aforesaid to the register of the land office ° ““°h °l°”k‘ at Jackson, Mississippi; and the nineteenth section of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, entitled “An act making appro- Repeal 0,- Mt, . priations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the government for the 1ssa,eh.s7,§19. year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four," be, V°l- X- P- 214- and the same is hereby, repealed. · l [Expenses of Oourta of the United States.] —For defraying the ex- Extperpas of penses of the Supreme Court and district courts of the United States, ‘{?;;Bd‘§mgs including the District of Columbia, and also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, in the Sscal V year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and previous S _ _ h_ years, and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the the gllgftglgllgtgfeg ‘ United States are concerned, including legal assistance to the Attorney- sm concerned, General, and other special and extraordinary expenditures in cases of the Supreme Court of the United States in which the United States are conj eerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United Safe-keeping A States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, one million dollars. ;£0l;’:::;Q§)’;·0‘;.“d _ For compiling and supervising the biennial register, five hundred dollars. ,,,;m,,_ _ I . War Department. ·- For compensation of the Secretary of War, eight mliienuwl resisthousand dollars. war Depart- For chief clerk, two thousand two hundred dollars. ment. For four clerks of class four, seven thousand two hundred dollars. m_P°>;,z*: S°°'°‘ l For a lditional to one clerk of class four, as disbursing clerk, two hun- y’ ’ dred dollars.