Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 128.pdf/3284

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PUBLIC LAW 113–287—DEC. 19, 2014

or held in private ownership, the parcel, or so much of the parcel as may be necessary for the proper care and management of the object, may be relinquished to the Federal Government and the Secretary may accept the relinquishment of the parcel on behalf of the Federal Government.

(d) Limitation on Extension or Establishment of National Monuments in Wyoming.—No extension or establishment of national monuments in Wyoming may be undertaken except by express authorization of Congress.

§ 320302. Permits

(a) Authority To Grant Permit.—The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, or the Secretary of the Army may grant a permit for the examination of ruins, the excavation of archeological sites, and the gathering of objects of antiquity on land under their respective jurisdictions to an institution that the Secretary concerned considers properly qualified to conduct the examination, excavation, or gathering, subject to such regulations as the Secretary concerned may prescribe.

(b) Purpose of Examination, Excavation, or Gathering.—A permit may be granted only if—

(1) the examination, excavation, or gathering is undertaken for the benefit of a reputable museum, university, college, or other recognized scientific or educational institution, with a view to increasing the knowledge of the objects; and
(2) the gathering shall be made for permanent preservation in a public museum.

§ 320303. Regulations

The Secretary, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of the Army shall make and publish uniform regulations for the purpose of carrying out this chapter.


(a) Title 18.

(1) In general.—Chapter 91 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

Ҥ 1865. National Park Service

“(a) Violation of Regulations Relating to Use and Management of National Park System Units.—A person that violates any regulation authorized by section 100751(a) of title 54 shall be imprisoned not more than 6 months, fined under this title, or both, and be adjudged to pay all cost of the proceedings.

“(b) Financial Disclosure by Officers or Employees Performing Functions or Duties Under Subchapter III of Chapter 1007 of Title 54.—An officer or employee of the Department of the Interior who is subject to, and knowingly violates, section 100737 of title 54 or any regulation prescribed under that section shall be imprisoned not more than one year, fined under this title, or both.

“(c) Offenses Relating to Structures and Vegetation.—A person that willfully destroys, mutilates, defaces, injures, or removes any monument, statue, marker, guidepost, or other structure, or that willfully destroys, cuts, breaks, injures, or removes any tree, shrub, or plant within a national military park shall be imprisoned not less than 15 days nor more than one year, fined under this title but not less than $10 for each monument,