Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 128.pdf/3140

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PUBLIC LAW 113–287—DEC. 19, 2014
with subparagraph (B) of this subsection and 50 percent shall be allocated in accordance with subparagraph (C).
(B) Allocation based on expenses.—The amount allocated to each System unit under this paragraph for each fiscal year based on expenses shall be a fraction of the total allocation to all System units under this paragraph. The fraction for each System unit shall be determined by dividing the operating expenses at that System unit during the prior fiscal year by the total operating expenses at all System units during the prior fiscal year.
(C) Allocation based on fees collected.—The amount allocated to each System unit under this paragraph for each fiscal year based on fees collected shall be a fraction of the total allocation to all System units under this paragraph. The fraction for each System unit shall be determined by dividing the user fees and admission fees collected under this section at that System unit during the prior fiscal year by the total of user fees and admission fees collected under this section at all System units during the prior fiscal year.
(3) Availability of amounts.—Amounts allocated under this subsection to any System unit for any fiscal year and not expended in that fiscal year shall remain available for expenditure at that System unit until expended.

(c) Selling of Permits.

(1) Authority to sell permits.—When authorized by the Secretary, volunteers at System units may sell permits and collect fees authorized or established pursuant to this section. The Secretary shall ensure that the volunteers have adequate training regarding—
(A) the sale of permits and the collection of fees;
(B) the purposes and resources of the System units in which they are assigned; and
(C) the provision of assistance and information to visitors to the System unit.
(2) Surety bond required.—The Secretary shall require a surety bond for any such volunteer performing services under this subsection. Funds available to the Service may be used to cover the cost of the surety bond. The Secretary may enter into arrangements with qualified public or private entities pursuant to which the entities may sell (without cost to the United States) annual admission permits (including Golden Eagle Passports) at any appropriate location. The arrangements shall require each such entity to reimburse the United States for the full amount to be received from the sale of the permits at or before the Secretary delivers the permits to the entity for sale.

(d) Charge for Transportation Provided by Service for Viewing System Units.

(1) Charge when transportation provided.—Where the Service provides transportation to view all or a portion of any System unit, the Director may impose a charge for the service in lieu of an admission fee under this section.
(2) Retention of charge and use of retained amount.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, half of the charges imposed under paragraph (1) shall be retained by the System unit at which the service was provided. The remainder shall