Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/853

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123STA T .8 33 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 —M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9respondt o c on fli ctorci v il strife in forei g nco u ntries or regions , ortoen ab le transition fro m suc h strife, $45 , 0 00,000, to remain available until e x pended


d ,T hatupto$ 23 ,0 1 4,000 ma y be made available in fiscal year 200 9 to provide administrative expenses for the O ffice of the C oordinator for R econstruction and S tabili z ation: Provided fu r th er, That not w ithstanding any other provision of law and following consultation with the Committees on A ppropriations, the P resident may exercise transfer authorities contained in the F oreign Assistance Act of 19 6 1 for reconstruction and stabilization assistance managed by the Office of the Coordi - nator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, U nited States D epart- ment of State, only to support an actively deployed civilian response corps, sub j ect to the regular notification procedures of the Commit- tees on Appropriations: Provided further, That not later than 60 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the United States Agency for I nternational Development shall submit a coordinated joint spending plan for funds made available under this heading and under the heading ‘ ‘Civilian Stabilization Initiative ’ ’ in title II of this Act .CAPIT A L I NVES T M ENT FU N D For necessary expenses of the Capital Investment Fund, $ 7 1,000,000, to remain available until expended, as authorized: Provided, That section 135 ( e ) of Public L aw 103 – 236 shall not apply to funds available under this heading. O FFICE OF INSPECTO RG ENERAL For necessary expenses of the Office of Inspector G eneral, $37,000,000, notwithstanding section 209(a)(1) of the Foreign Service Act of 19 8 0 (Public Law 96–465), as it relates to post inspections. EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL E X C H ANGE PROGRAMS For expenses of educational and cultural exchange programs, as authorized, $538,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That not to exceed $5,000,000, to remain available until expended, may be credited to this appropriation from fees or other payments received from or in connection with E nglish teaching, educational advising and counseling programs, and exchange visitor programs as authorized. REPRESENTATION ALLO W ANCES For representation allowances as authorized, $8,175,000. PROTECTION OF FOREIGN MISSIONS AND OFFICIALS For expenses, not otherwise provided, to enable the Secretary of State to provide for extraordinary protective services, as author- ized, $22,814,000, to remain available until September 30, 2010. EM B ASS Y SECURITY, CONSTRUCTION, AND MAINTENANCE For necessary expenses for carrying out the Foreign Service B uildings Act of 1926 (22 U.S.C. 292–303), preserving, maintaining, repairing, and planning for buildings that are owned or directly leased by the Department of State, renovating, in addition to funds Deadlin e .Sp endin g plan. Pr e s iden t . T rans f er a u t ho rit y . N otifi c ation.