Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/754

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123STA T .7 3 4PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9Departm e n t ofAg r icul ture an d not more t h an $19,40 0,000 of fund s a v aila b le to the F orest S ervice shall be transferred to the Depart - ment of Agriculture for Department R eimbursable P rograms, com- monl y referred to as G reenboo k charges .N othing in this paragraph shall prohibit or limit the use of reimbursable agreements re q uested by the Forest Service in order to obtain services from the Depart- ment of Agriculture ’ s National I nformation T echnology C enter. Funds available to the Forest Service shall be available to conduct a program of up to $ 5 ,000,000 for priority pro j ects w ithin the scope of the approved budget, of which $ 2 ,500,000 shall be carried out by the Y outh Conservation Corps and $2,500,000 shall be carried out under the authority of the Public L ands Corps H ealthy Forests Restoration Act of 2005, Public Law 109 – 154. O f the funds available to the Forest Service, $4,000 is available to the Chief of the Forest Service for official reception and represen- tation e x penses. Pursuant to sections 405 ( b ) and 410(b) of Public Law 101– 59 3 , of the funds available to the Forest Service, $3,000,000 may be advanced in a lump sum to the National Forest Foundation to aid conservation partnership projects in support of the Forest Service mission, without regard to when the Foundation incurs expenses, for administrative expenses or projects on or benefitting National Forest System lands or related to Forest Service programs


d , That the Foundation shall obtain, by the end of the period of Federal financial assistance, private contributions to match on at least one-for-one basis funds made available by the Forest Service: Provided fu r th er, That the Foundation may transfer Federal funds to Federal or a non-Federal recipient for a project at the same rate that the recipient has obtained the non-Federal matching funds: Provided further, That authori z ed investments of Federal funds held by the Foundation may be made only in interest- bearing obligations of the U nited States or in obligations guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the United States. Pursuant to section 2(b)(2) of Public Law 9 8 –244, $3,000,000 of the funds available to the Forest Service shall be advanced to the National Fish and W ildlife Foundation in a lump sum to aid cost-share conservation projects, without regard to when expenses are incurred, on or benefitting National Forest System lands or related to Forest Service programs: Provided, That such funds shall be matched on at least a one-for-one basis by the Foundation or its sub-recipients: Provided further, That the Founda- tion may transfer Federal funds to a Federal or non-Federal recipient for a project at the same rate that the recipient has obtained the non-Federal matching funds. Funds appropriated to the Forest Service shall be available for interactions with and providing technical assistance to rural communities and natural resource-based businesses for sustainable rural development purposes. Funds appropriated to the Forest Service shall be available for payments to counties within the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, pursuant to section 14(c)(1) and (2), and section 1 6 (a)(2) of Public Law 99–663. An eligible individual who is employed in any project funded under title V of the Older American Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3056 et seq.) and administered by the Forest Service shall be considered to be a Federal employee for purposes of chapter 1 7 1 of title 28, United States Code.