Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/545

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123STA T .5 25 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9TitleVI—G e n e ra l P r ov i s ions—T h is Ac t Title VII—General Provisions—Govern m ent -w i d e Title VIII—General Provisions— D istrict o fC ol u m b ia DIVI S I ONE —DEPA R T M ENT O F T H E INTERIOR , ENVIRONMENT, AND RE L ATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 20 0 9 Title I—De p artment of the Interior Title II—Environmental Protection A g enc y Title III—Related Agencies Title IV—General Provisions DIVISION F—DEPARTMENTS OF LA B OR, HEALTH AND H U MAN SERVICES, AND EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2009 Title I—Department of Labor Title II—Department of Health and Human Services Title III—Department of Education Title IV—Related Agencies Title V—General Provisions Title VI—Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 DIVISION G—LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2009 Title I—Legislative Branch Appropriations Title II—General Provisions DIVISION H—DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2009 Title I—Department of State and Related Agency Title II—United States Agency for International Development Title III—Bilateral Economic Assistance Title IV—International Security Assistance Title V—Multilateral Assistance Title VI—E x port and Investment Assistance Title VII—General Provisions DIVISION I—TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2009 Title I—Department of Transportation Title II—Department of Housing and Urban Development Title III—Related Agencies Title IV—General Provisions This Act DIVISION J —FURTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURIT Y AND OTHER MATTERS SEC.3 . R E F ERE N CES. Exceptas exp r ess ly pr ovid ed ot h er w ise , a n yre f erence to ‘ ‘this A ct ’ ’ contained in any division of this Act shall b e treated as referrin g only to the provisions of that division . SEC. 4 .E XPLA NA TO R Y STATE M ENT. T he explanatory state m ent regarding this Act printed in the H o u se of R epresentatives section of the C ongressional Record on or about F ebruary 23 ,2 0 0 9 by the Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations of the House shall have the same effect with respect to the allocation of funds and implementation of this Act asifitwerea j oint explanatory statement of a committee of con - ference. SEC. 5 . STATEMENT OF APPROPR I ATIONS. The following sums in this Act are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending S eptember 30, 2009. 1USC 1 note.