Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3756

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123STA T . 3 7 3 6PROCL A M AT I O N845 3 — NO V .13 , 2 0 0 9Proclam a ti o n8453 o fN o ve m b er 1 3 ,20 0 9AmericaR ec y c l e sD ay ,20 0 9BythePr e sid e n t of the U nited S t a tes of Am eri c a A Proc l amation Everyda y ,Am er ic a nswho recyc l e conserve val u a b le resources while reducin g our N a t ion ’ s carbon f oot p rint .T he reprocessing of materials is fundamental to our future prosperity, as recycling helps preserve our natural environment and sustain our economy. R ecycling in the U nited S tates is a $236 billion industry, employing 1 .1 million wor k ers nation - wide in 5 6, 0 00 businesses. O n America Recycles D ay, we celebrate the individuals, communities, local governments, and businesses that recy- cle their waste and continually think of innovative ways to use mate- rials that might otherwise be discarded. Recycling improves our daily lives and helps to protect our planet for the future. Through recycling, we conserve energy, consume less of our precious natural resources, decrease the amount of waste deposited in landfills, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. C ommunities across America also benefit by avoiding the pollution associated with the e x - traction of raw materials and their processing into finished products. I f we are to manage materials and products on a life-cycle basis, we must responsibly use and reuse our resources. Curbside recycling, elec- tronics collection drives, community composting programs, and other similar methods contribute to the success of our efforts. Our Nation’s health and prosperity depends on the productive and sustainable use of our environment. B y recommitting ourselves to recycling, we have the opportunity to secure our long-term success and ensure a bright fu- ture for the next generation of Americans. NO W ,T H ERE F ORE, I, BARAC K OBA M A, P resident of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con- stitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Novem- ber 15, 200 9 , as America Recycles Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate programs and activi- ties, and I encourage all Americans to continue their recycling efforts throughout the year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of November, in the year of our L ord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth. BARACK OBAMA