Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3728

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123STA T . 3 708PROCL A M AT I O N 8 4 27 — OCT. 1 , 200 9canswithd isa b i l iti e s achie v e fu ll p a r ticipati o ninthewor k force and reach the hei g ht of their a m bition .MyA dministration is committed to promoting positive change for every American , including those with disabilities. T he F ederal G overn - ment and its contractors can lead the way by implementing effective employment policies and practices that increase opportunities and help workers achieve their full potential. Across this country, millions of people with disabilities are working or want to work. W e must en- sure they have access to the support and services they need to succeed. R ecogni z ing the need for e q ual employment opportunities, we must also strengthen and e x pand the educational opportunities for individ- uals with disabilities. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act substantially increased funding for the I ndividuals with D isabilities E ducation Act, and provided more than $50 0 million for vocational re- habilitation services, including j ob training, education, and placement. If we are to build a world free from unnecessary barriers, stereotypes, and discrimination, we must ensure that every American receives an education that prepares him or her for future success. Each day, Americans with disabilities play a critical role in forging and shaping the identity of our N ation. Their contributions touch us all through personal experience or through that of a family member, neighbor, friend, or colleague. We grow stronger as a Nation when Americans feel the dignity conferred by having the ability to support themselves and their families through productive work. This month, we rededicate ourselves to fostering an inclusive work culture that wel- comes the skills and talents of all qualified employees. N O W,T H EREFORE, I, B ARA CK OBAMA, P resident of the U nited S tates of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Con- stitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 2 00 9 , as National Disability Employment Awareness Month. I call on all Americans to celebrate the contributions of individuals with dis- abilities to our workplaces and communities, and to promote the em- ployment of individuals with disabilities to create a better, more inclu- sive America, one in which every person is rightly recognized for his or her abilities and accomplishments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of September, in the year of our L ord two thousand nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth. BARACK OBAMA Proclam a ti o n8427 o fO cto be r 1, 2 0 0 9Nation a lCybers e cu rity Aw areness M ont h,20 0 9BythePr e sid e n t of the U nited S t a tes of Am eri c a A Proc l amation Americans are constantly adopting new and innovative technologies. This exposure has dramatically increased our thirst for computers, smartphones, and other digital solutions at work and at home. Our Na-