Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3414

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123STA T . 33 94PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C.1 6, 2 0 09 econ o mi c a n ds ocia lw ell -b ein g, and p oli t ical stat u so fA fg h an women and gi r ls .( b ) A S S I S TANCEFORW O M EN AN DG IR L S. — ( 1 ) T he terms and conditions of section 11 02 (b)(1) of P ublic L aw 111 –3 2 shall appl y to assistance for Afghanistan in fiscal year 2010. (2) O f the funds appropriated by this Act under the headings ‘ ‘ E conomic S upport F und ’ ’and‘‘ I nternational N ar- cotics C ontrol and Law Enforcement’’, not less than $ 1 75 ,000,000 shall be made a v ailable to support programs that directly address the needs and protect the rights of Afghan women and girls, including for the Afghan Independent H uman R ights Commission, the Afghan M inistry of Women’s Affairs, and for women-led nongovernmental organi z ations. (c) PROC U REMENT OF AF GH AN PRODUCTS AND SER V ICES.—The terms and conditions of section 1102(c) of Public Law 111–32 shall apply to assistance for Afghanistan in fiscal year 2010. (d) ANTICORRU P TION.— (1) The terms and conditions of section 1102(d) of Public Law 111–32 shall apply to assistance for Afghanistan in fiscal year 2010. (2) Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’ that are available for assistance for the Government of Afghanistan, $200,000,000 may not be obli- gated for such assistance unless the Secretary of State certifies to the Committees on Appropriations that the Government of Afghanistan is cooperating fully with U nited States efforts against the Taliban and Al Q aeda and to reduce poppy cultiva- tion and illicit drug traffic k ing


d, That the Secretary of State may waive the previous sentence if the Secretary reports to the Committees on Appropriations that to do so is vital to the national security interests of the United States. (e) RECONSTRUCTION AND D EVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE.— (1) Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’ that are available for assistance for Afghanistan, not less than $175,000,000 shall be made available for the National Solidarity Program. (2) The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development and the Secretary of Defense, should enhance United States reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan by— (A) emphasizing capacity building and support of Afghan entities and institutions at the provincial and sub- provincial levels

and ( B )re q uiring civilian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) leaders to consult regularly with appropriate local Afghan leaders in their respective provinces and ensuring that PRT reconstruction and development activities support local needs in a sustainable manner and strengthen the authority and control of the Government of Afghanistan at the provincial and sub-provincial levels. (f) RULE OF LA W PROGRAMS.—The Coordinator for Rule of Law at the United States Embassy in K abul, Afghanistan shall be con- sulted on the use of all funds appropriated by this Act for rule of law programs and activities in Afghanistan. (g) BASE RIGHTS.—None of the funds made available by this Act may be used by the United States Government to enter into Waiver a utho rit y.R e p ort s . C erti f i c atio n . A pp l ica b ility. Applicability. Applicability.