Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3374

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123STA T . 33 54PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C.1 6, 2 0 0 9Congres s

or (2)al lo c a t e dby t h ee x ec u t iv e branch in accordance w ithare p ort , to be provided to the Co m mittees on A ppropriations within 30 days o f the enactment of this Act, as re q uired by section 65 3(a) of the F oreign Assistance Act of 19 61 .AUTHORI TI ESF OR THE P EA C E CORPS, I N TER - A M ERICAN FOUN D ATION AND AFRICAN DE V E L OPMENT FOUNDATION S EC. 7 025. U nless expressly provided to the contrary, provisions of this or any other Act, including provisions contained in prior Acts authori z ing or ma k ing appropriations for the D epartment of State, foreign operations, and related programs, shall not be con- strued to prohibit activities authorized by or conducted under the P eace Corps Act, the I nter-American Foundation Act or the African Development Foundation Act


d, T hat the agency shall promptly report to the Committees on Appropriations whenever it is conducting activities or is proposing to conduct activities in a country for which assistance is prohibited. COMMERCE, TRADE AND SURPLUS COMMODITIES SEC. 7026. (a) N one of the funds appropriated or made available pursuant to titles III through V I of this Act for direct assistance and none of the funds otherwise made available to the E xport- Import B ank and the O verseas Private Investment Corporation shall be obligated or expended to finance any loan, any assistance or any other financial commitments for establishing or expanding production of any commodity for export by any country other than the United States, if the commodity is likely to be in surplus on world markets at the time the resulting productive capacity is expected to become operative and if the assistance will cause substantial in j ury to United States producers of the same, similar, or competing commodity: Provided, That such prohibition shall not apply to the Export-Import Bank if in the judgment of its Board of Directors the benefits to industry and employment in the United States are likely to outweigh the injury to United States producers of the same, similar, or competing commodity, and the Chairman of the Board so notifies the Committees on Appropriations. (b) None of the funds appropriated by this or any other Act to carry out chapter 1 of part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 shall be available for any testing or breeding feasibility study, variety improvement or introduction, consultancy, publica- tion, conference, or training in connection with the growth or production in a foreign country of an agricultural commodity for export which would compete with a similar commodity grown or produced in the United States: Provided, That this subsection shall not prohibit — (1) activities designed to increase food security in devel- oping countries where such activities will not have a significant impact on the export of agricultural commodities of the United States; or (2) research activities intended primarily to benefit Amer- ican producers. (c) The Secretary of the Treasury shall instruct the United States Executive Directors of the International Bank for R econstruc- tion and Development, the International Development Association, 2 2 USC 2 6 2 hnote.N ot if i ca tion. R e p o r t s .