Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3333

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123STA T . 3313 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C.1 6, 2 0 0 9contr o l, non p rol ife r a tion an d di s ar m ament acti v ities as a u t h or - i z ed, $892 , 01 2,000, to remain availa b le until S eptember 3 0, 2011 .(4) S ECURITYP R OG R AMS . —F or necessar y e x penses for secu- rity activities, $2,1 7 2,700,000, to remain available until Sep- tember 30, 2011, of w hich $1,3 65 ,374,000 is for W orldwide Security P rotection and shall remain available until expended. (5) FEES A ND PAYMENTS CO L LECTED.— I n addition to amounts otherwise made available under this headin g — ( A ) not to exceed $1,653,305 shall be derived from fees collected from other executive agencies for lease or use of facilities located at the International C enter in accordance with section 4 of the International Center Act, and, in addition, as authorized by section 5 of such Act, $490,000, to be derived from the reserve authorized by that section, to be used for the purposes set out in that section

( B ) as authorized by section 810 of the U nited States Information and E ducational Exchange Act, not to exceed $6,000,000, to remain available until expended, may be credited to this appropriation from fees or other payments received from English teaching, library, motion pictures, and publication programs and from fees from educational advising and counseling and exchange visitor programs; and (C) not to exceed $15,000, which shall be derived from reimbursements, surcharges and fees for use of Blair H ouse facilities. (6) T RANS F ER, REPROGRAMMING, AND SPENDING PLAN.— (A) N otwithstanding any provision of this Act, funds may be reprogrammed within and between subsections under this heading sub j ect to section 7015 of this Act. (B) O f the amount made available under this heading, not to exceed $10,000,000 may be transferred to, and merged with, funds made available by this Act under the heading ‘ ‘Emergencies in the D iplomatic and Consular Service ’ ’, to be available only for emergency evacuations and rewards, as authorized. (C) Funds appropriated under this heading are avail- able for ac q uisition by exchange or purchase of passenger motor vehicles as authorized by law and, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1108(g), for the field examination of programs and activities in the United States funded from any account contained in this title. (D) Not later than 45 days after the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Commit- tees on Appropriations a report detailing planned expendi- tures for funds appropriated under this heading. CI V ILIAN STA B ILI Z ATION INITIATIVE For necessary expenses to support, maintain, mobilize, and deploy a civilian response corps in coordination with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and for related reconstruction and stabilization assistance to prevent or respond to conflict or civil strife in foreign countries or regions, or to enable transition from such strife, $120,000,000, to remain Deadlin e .R e ports .