Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3244

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123STA T . 322 4PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C.1 6, 2 0 0 9SEC.812 . TheMayor o ft he Dis tri c tof C o lumb ia shall submit to the Committees o nAp propriations of the H ouse of R epresenta - ti v es an d the Senate , the Committee on O versi g ht and G overnment Reform of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate annual reports addressing —( 1 ) crime, including the homicide rate, implementation of community policing, the number of police officers on local beats, and the closing do w n of open-air drug mar k ets

(2) access to substance and alcohol abuse treatment, including the number of treatment slots, the number of people served, the number of people on waiting lists, and the effective- ness of treatment programs, the retention rates in treatment programs, and the recidivism / re-arrest rates for treatment participants; ( 3 ) management of parolees and pre-trial violent offenders, including the number of halfway houses escapes and steps taken to improve monitoring and supervision of halfway house residents to reduce the number of escapes to be provided in consultation with the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia; ( 4 ) education, including access to special education services and student achievement to be provided in consultation with the District of Columbia P ublic Schools and the District of Columbia public charter schools, repeated grade rates, high school graduation rates, post-secondary education attendance rates, and teen pregnancy rates; ( 5 ) improvement in basic District services, including rat control and abatement; ( 6 ) application for and management of F ederal grants, including the number and type of grants for which the District was eligible but failed to apply and the number and type of grants awarded to the District but for which the District failed to spend the amounts received; ( 7 ) indicators of child and family well-being including child living arrangements by family structure, number of children aging out of foster care, poverty rates by family structure, crime by family structure, marriage rates by income q uintile, and out-of-wedlock births; and (8) employment, including j ob status and participation in assistance programs by income, education and family structure. SEC. 813. N one of the Federal funds contained in this Act may be used to enact or carry out any law, rule, or regulation to legali z e or otherwise reduce penalties associated with the posses- sion, use, or distribution of any schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act (21 U .S.C. 8 0 1 et seq.) or any tetrahydrocannabinols derivative. SEC. 814. None of the Federal funds appropriated under this Act shall be e x pended for any abortion except where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term or where the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest. SEC. 815. (a) No later than 30 calendar days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Chief Financial Officer for the District of Columbia shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress, the Mayor, and the Council of the District of Columbia, a revised appropriated funds operating budget in the format of the budget that the District of Columbia government submitted Deadlin e .Bu d g e t . Abor tion. Drug s and drug abuse. Deadline. R e p orts.