Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3086

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123STA T . 3 06 6 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C. 16 , 200 9granted a 60- da yp er io dto c o m e into comp l iance w it h part 60 4, and then wa s s ub se q uently granted an e x ception f rom said part .SEC . 173 . H ereafter, for interstate multi-modal pro j ects which are in I nterstate highway corridors, the Secretary shall base the rating under section 5 30 9( d ) of title 49, U nited States C ode, of the non- N ew Starts share of the public transportation element of the project on the percentage of non-New Starts funds in the unified finance plan for the multi-modal project


d, T hat the Secretary shall base the accounting of local matching funds on the total amount of all local funds incorporated in the unified finance plan for the multi-modal project for the purposes of funding under chapter 53 of title 49, United States Code and title 2 3, United States Code: Provided fu r th er, That the Secretary shall e v aluate the justification for the project under section 5309(d) of title 49, United States Code, including cost effectiveness, on the public transportation costs and public transportation benefits. S AINTL A WR ENCE SEAWA YD E V E LOPM ENT CORPORATION The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation is hereby authori z edtoma k e such expenditures, within the limits of funds and borrowing authority available to the Corporation, and in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commit- ments without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by section 104 of the G overnment Corporation Control A ct, as amended, as may be necessary in carrying out the programs set forth in the Corporation ’ s budget for the current fiscal year. OPERATION S AN D MAINTENANCE (H AR B OR MAINTENANCE TR U ST F UND )F or necessary expenses for operations, maintenance, and capital asset renewal of those portions of the Saint Lawrence Seaway owned, operated, and maintained by the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, $ 32,324,000, to be derived from the Harbor M aintenance Trust Fund, pursuant to P ublic Law 99 – 662. MARITIME ADMINISTRATION MARITIME SECURITY PRO G RAM For necessary expenses to maintain and preserve a U.S.-flag merchant fleet to serve the national security needs of the United States, $174,000,000, to remain available until expended. OPERATIONS AND TRAINING For necessary expenses of operations and training activities authorized by law, $149,750,000, of which $11,240,000 shall remain available until expended for maintenance and repair of training ships at State Maritime Academies, and of which $15,000,000 shall remain available until expended for capital improvements at the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and of which $59,057,000 shall be available for operations at the United States Merchant Marine Academy: Provided, That amounts apportioned for the United States Merchant Marine Academy shall be available only upon allotments made personally by the Secretary of Transportation Expenditur e a ut ho rit y.C ontra c t s . E v a l uation. 49US C 530 9 note.