Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2880

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123STA T . 2 860PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 5—O CT. 28 , 200 9(i i )exc e ptas p rov i d edi n s ub para g rap h ( B ) , sub j ect to the N ationa lF ish and W ildli f e Foundation E stablish -m ent A ct( 16U.S . C . 370 1etse q .), in accordance w ith section 10(b)(1) of that Act (16 U.S.C. 370 9 (b)(1)). (B) Sections 4 (e) and 10(b)( 2 ) of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act (16 U.S.C. 3703(e), 3709(b)(2)), and the provision of subsection (c)(2) of section 4 of that Act (16 U.S.C. 3703) relating to subsection (e) of that section, shall not appl y to the amount made available under subsection (a)(1). S EC . 209. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11(c) of P ublic L aw 8 9 – 108, as amended by section 9 of Public Law 99– 294, the Commissioner is directed to modify the April 9, 2002, G rant Agreement Between Bureau of R eclamation and North D a k ota Natural Resources T rust to provide funding for the Trust to continue its investment program / Agreement No. 02FG601633 to authori z e the North Dakota Natural Resources Trust Board of Directors to expend all or any portion of the funding allocation received pursuant to section 11(a)(2)(B) of the Dakota Water Resources Act of 2000 for the purpose of operations of the Natural Resource Trust whether such amounts are principal or received as investment income


d, That operational expenses that may be funded from the principal allocation shall not exceed 10 5 percent of the previous fiscal year ’ s operating costs: Provided fu r -th er, That the Commissioner of Reclamation is authorized to include in such modified agreement with the Trust authorized under this section appropriate provisions regarding the repayment of any funds that constitute principal from the Trust Funds. SEC. 210. Title I of Public Law 108–361 is amended by striking ‘ ‘2010’’ wherever it appears and inserting ‘‘2014’’ in lieu thereof. SEC. 211. (a) Section 3405(a)(1)( M ) of Public Law 102–575 (106 Stat. 4709) is amended by striking ‘‘countries’’ and inserting ‘‘counties’’. (b) A transfer of water between a Friant Division contractor and a south-of-Delta C V P agricultural water service contractor, approved during a two-year period beginning on the date of enact- ment of this Act shall, be deemed to meet the conditions set forth in subparagraphs (A) and (I) of section 3405(a)(1) of Public Law 102–575 (106 Stat. 4709) if the transfer under this clause — (1) does not interfere with the San J oaquin River Restora- tion Settlement Act (part I of subtitle A of title X of Public Law 111–11

123 Stat. 1349) (including the priorities described in section 10004(a)(4)(B) of that Act relating to implementation of paragraph 16 of the Settlement), and the Settlement (as defined in section 10003 of that Act); and (2) is completed by September 30, 2012. (c) As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, shall revise, finalize, and implement the applicable draft recovery plan for the Giant Garter Snake (Thamnophis gigas). Draft r ecov er ypl a n. Dea d l i ne. 1 1 8S tat. 1 6 81.