Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2690

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123STA T . 2 670PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 200 9(b)REPORT O NI NTEN D ED US E S PE CIALPU RPOSE E NTITIES .— ( 1 ) REPORT RE Q UIRED.— Notla t er t h a n 1 80d a ys a f ter the date of the ena c t m ent of th i s A ct , the Secretary of D efense shall s u bmit to the con g ressional defense committees a re p ort describing the intended use of special purpose entities to pro -v ide military family housing or utilities to support the realign- ment of military installations and the relocation of military personnel on G uam. ( 2 ) NOTICE AND W AIT.— T he Secretary of Defense may not authori z e the use of special use entities as described in para- graph (1) until the end of the 3 0-day period (1 5 -day period if the report is submitted electronically) beginning on the date on w hich the report re q uired by such paragraph is submitted. (c) APPLICA B ILIT Y O F UNIFIED F ACILITIES C RITERIA.— (1) APPLICABILITY TO SECTION 2350K CONTRIBUTIONS.—Sec- tion 282 4 (c)(4) of the M ilitary Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Y ear 200 9 (division B of Public L aw 110 – 41 7; 10 U.S.C. 2 6 87 note) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph

‘(D) APPLICABILITY OF UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA.— The unified facilities criteria promulgated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logis- tics and dated May 29, 2002, and any successor to such criteria shall be the minimum standard applicable to pro j ects funded using contributions referred to in sub- section (b)(1) for a transaction authorized by paragraph (1). ’ ’. (2) APPLICABILITY TO SPECIAL PURPOSE ENTITY CONTRIBU- TIONS.—The unified facilities criteria promulgated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and dated May 29, 2002, and any successor to such criteria shall be the minimum standard applicable to projects funded using contributions provided by a special purpose entity. (3) REPORT.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report containing an evaluation of various options, including a preferred option, that the Secretary could utilize to comply with the unified facilities criteria referred to in paragraph (2) in the acquisition of military housing on Guam in connection with the realignment of military installations and the relocation of military personnel on Guam. In preparing the report, the Secretary shall consider the impact of— (A) increasing the overseas housing allowance for mem- bers of the Armed Forces serving on Guam; and (B) providing a direct Federal subsidy to public-private ventures. (d) SENSE OF CON G RESS ON SCOPE OF UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE I M PRO V EMENTS.—Section 2821 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110–417; 122 Stat. 4729) is amended— (1) by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (b); and (2) in such subsection, by stri k ing ‘‘should incorporate the civilian and military infrastructure into a single grid to realize and ma x imize the effectiveness of the overall utility system’’ and inserting ‘‘should support proposed utility infrastructure Timep e r i od.