Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2659

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123STA T . 2 6 3 9PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 230 2 oftha t Ac t ,s ha l l rem a in in effect u ntil O cto b er 1 , 2010, or the d ate of the enactment of an Act authori z in g funds for militar y construction for fiscal year 2011, w hiche v er is later .( b )TABLE . — The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows


r ce:Ext e ns ion o f20 0 7P ro j ect A u t h ori za tions Sta t e/Coun- t ryI n s ta l lat i on or L o c ation P ro j ect Am ount Delaw a r e . ....... D ov er Ai r F or c e B a s e ................... C–17 Aircrew L i f e Sup- por t ................................ $ 7 ,40 0,000 Id a h o .............. M ou n tain H o m e Air Force Base .. R eplace Famil y Housin g( 4 5 7 units ) .................... $107, 8 00,000 S E C .2307 .E XT E N SI O NO F A U T H O R I Z ATIONS OF CERTAIN FISCAL Y EAR 200 6 PRO J ECTS. (a) EXT E NSIO N.— N otwithstanding section 2 7 01 of the M ilitary C onstruction Authorization Act for F iscal Y ear 200 6 (division B of P ublic L aw 10 9– 163

119 S tat. 3 5 01), authorizations set forth in the table in subsection (b), as p rovided in section 2302 of that Act (119 Stat. 3 4 95) and e x tended by section 2305 of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (division B of Public Law 110–417; 122 Stat. 46 8 4), shall remain in effect until October 1, 2010, or the date of the enactment of an Act authorizing funds for military construction for fiscal year 2011, whichever is later. (b) TABLE.—The table referred to in subsection (a) is as follows: Air Force: Extension of 200 6 Project Authorizations State Installation or Loca- tion Project Amount Alas k a ............. E ielson Air Force Base Replace Family Housing ( 92 units) $ 3 7, 6 50,000 Eielson Air Force Base P urchase Build / Lease Housing (300 units) ............ $18,144,000 N orth Dakota G rand Forks Air Force Base ........................... Replace Family Housing (150 units) .................... $43,353,000 SEC. 230 8 . CON V EYANCE TO IN D IAN TRI B ES OF CERTAIN HOUSIN G UNITS. (a) D E F INITIONS.— I n this section: (1) EXE CU TI V E D I R ECTOR.—The term ‘ ‘Executive Director ’ ’ means the Executive Director of W al k ing Shield, Inc. (2) INDIAN TRIBE.—The term ‘‘Indian tribe’’ means any Indian tribe included on the list published by the Secretary of the Interior under section 104 of the Federally R ecognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (25 U .S.C.479a–1). (b) RE Q UESTS FOR CONVE Y ANCE.— (1) IN G ENERAL.—The Executive Director may submit to the Secretary of the Air Force, on behalf of any Indian tribe Terminat i o n d ate .