Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2498

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123STA T . 2 478PUBLIC LA W 111 – 84 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(4)COMP O SIT IO N.—TheS e cr e ta r ys ha l le n s u re that at least hal fo f the p art i cipants in the stu d y are v eterans w ho suffer pri m arily from a mental health in j ury or disa b ility. ( 5 ) AU T H O R I ZEDB ENE F ITS.—The D epartment of V eterans Affairs will provide to a veteran participatin g in this study

(A) Veterinary treatment to maintain the health of the dog and k eep it functioning in its prescribed role. ( B ) H ardware re q uired by the dog to perform its tasks , and repairs to such hardware. (C) P ayments and allowances for travel incurred in becoming adjusted to the service dogs, to be paid in the same manner that payments and allowances are authori z ed under section 1 11 of title 38 , U nited States Code, and its implementing regulations. ( 6 ) ADDITION AL BENEFIT FOR ASSO C IATED E X PENSES.—As an incentive for participation in the study, veterans partici - pating in the study will receive from the Department of Vet- erans Affairs a monthly payment of $7 5 to offset costs associ- ated with the dog in addition to those identified in paragraph (5), such as services not prescribed or performed by a veteri- narian, including but not limited to, license tags (if required), food, grooming, nail trimming, boarding, and over-the-counter medications. (7) O PTION FOR O W NERSHIP OF, AND RESPONSIBILIT Y FOR, THE DO G AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE STUDY.—At the end of the study the veteran will have the option of ownership of the dog. I f the veteran does not wish to retain the dog, the 5 0 1(c)(3) organization that provided the dog will be respon- sible for caring for or appropriately placing the dog. In any case after completion of the study, or if and when the veteran chooses to not participate in the study until completion, further responsibility by the Department of Veterans Affairs for any benefits in this provision will cease. F urther, the Department of Veterans Affairs ’ liability related to the dog will cease. (d) STUDY.—The Secretary shall conduct a scientifically valid research study of the costs and benefits associated with the use of service dogs for the treatment or rehabilitation of veterans with physical or mental injuries or disabilities. The matters studied shall include the following: (1) The therapeutic benefits to such veterans, including the quality of life benefits reported by the veterans partaking in the study. ( 2 ) The economic benefits of using service dogs for the treatment or rehabilitation of such veterans, including— (A) savings on health care costs, including savings related to reductions in hospitalization and reductions in the use of prescription drugs

and (B) productivity and employment gains for the vet- erans. (e) R EPORTS.— (1) ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY.—After each year of the study, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the findings of the Secretary with respect to the study. (2) FINAL REPORT BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.— N ot later than 180 days after the date of the completion of the study, the National Academy of Sciences shall submit to Congress a report on the results of the study.