Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2484

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123STA T . 2 46 4 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9whensuc h a nen ti t y was o wne d and cont r o l led b y the U nited S tates G o v ern m ent .( b )REPORT O N RET I RE M ENT B ENE F IT S FOR F ORMER E MP L O Y EES OF A IR AMERI CA . — ( 1 ) I N G ENERAL.— N ot later than 1 80 days a f ter the date of the enactment of this Act , the D irector of National Intel - li g ence shall submit to C ongress a re p ort on the advisability of providing Federal retirement benefits to United States citi- z ens for the service of such citizens prior to 1 97 7 as employees of Air America or an associated company during a period when Air America or the associated company was owned or controlled by the United States Government and operated or managed by the Central Intelligence Agency. ( 2 ) REPORT ELEMENTS.— T he report re q uired by paragraph (1) shall include the following

(A) The history of Air America and the associated companies prior to 1977, including a description of— (i) the relationship between Air America and the associated companies and the Central Intelligence Agency or any other element of the United States Government

(ii) the wor k force of Air America and the associated companies; (iii) the missions performed by Air America, the associated companies, and their employees for the United States; and (iv) the casualties suffered by employees of Air America and the associated companies in the course of their employment. (B) A description of— (i) the retirement benefits contracted for or prom- ised to the employees of Air America and the associated companies prior to 1977; (ii) the contributions made by such employees for such benefits; (iii) the retirement benefits actually paid such employees; (iv) the entitlement of such employees to the pay- ment of future retirement benefits; and (v) the likelihood that such employees will receive any future retirement benefits. (C) An assessment of the difference between— (i) the retirement benefits that former employees of Air America and the associated companies have received or will receive by virtue of their employment with Air America and the associated companies; and (ii) the retirement benefits that such employees would have received or be eligible to receive if such employment was deemed to be employment by the United States Government and their service during such employment was credited as Federal service for the purpose of Federal retirement benefits. (D)(i) Any recommendations regarding the advisability of legislative action to treat such employment as Federal service for the purpose of Federal retirement benefits in light of the relationship between Air America and the asso- ciated companies and the United States Government and