Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2457

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123STA T . 2 4 3 7PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(b)ELEM E NTS.—Theplanr e qui re d b ys ubse ct i o n (a) shall include the f ollo w in g: ( 1 ) A description of how the D epart m ent of Defense and the Department of Transportation will communicate and cooperate , atthee x ecuti v e, management, and action levels, to provide expanded access to the national airspace for unmanned aircraft systems of the Department of Defense. ( 2 ) S pecific milestones, ta k ing into account the operational and training needs of the Department of Defense and the safety and air traffic management needs of the Department of Transportation, for providing expanded access to the national airspace for unmanned aircraft systems and a transition plan for sites programmed to be activated as unmanned aerial system sites during fiscal years 2 0 10 through 201 5 . ( 3 ) R ecommendations for policies with respect to use of the national airspace, flight standards, and operating proce - dures that should be implemented by the Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation to accommodate unmanned aircraft systems assigned to any State or territory of the U nited States. ( 4 ) An identification of resources required by the Depart- ment of Defense and the Department of Transportation to exe- cute the plan. (c) RE POR T.— N ot later than 1 8 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation shall submit a report containing the plan required by subsection (a) to the following committees: (1) The congressional defense committees. (2) The C ommittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and I nfrastructure of the H ouse of Representatives. (3) The Committee on Homeland Security and G overnment Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives. TI T LEX—G E N E RA L P R OV I S IONS Subti t leA—F i na n c ial M atte rs Sec .10 01. G eneral trans f er aut ho rit y . Sec. 100 2 . R elationshi p of the q ua d rennial defense re v ie w and the annual bud g et request. Sec. 100 3 . Audit readiness of financial state m ents of the D epartment of Defense. Subtitle B — C ounter - Drug Activities Sec. 1011. U nified counter-drug and counterterrorism campaign in Colombia. Sec. 1012. J oint tas k forces support to law enforcement agencies conducting counter-terrorism activities. Sec. 1013. Reporting requirement on e x penditures to support foreign counter-drug activities. Sec. 101 4 . Support for counter-drug activities of certain foreign governments. Sec. 101 5 . Border coordination centers in Afghanistan and P akistan. Sec. 101 6 . Comptroller General report on effectiveness of accountability measures for assistance from counter-narcotics central transfer account. Subtitle C— N aval V essels and Shipyards Sec. 1021. Sense of Congress on the maintenance of a 313-ship Navy. Sec. 1022. Designation of U.S.S. Constitution as America ’ s Ship of State. Sec. 1023. T emporary reduction in minimum number of operational aircraft car- riers. Sec. 1024. Sense of Congress concerning the disposition of Submarine NR – 1.