Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2438

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123STA T . 2 4 1 8PUBLIC LA W 111 – 84 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(B)TheF e d e ralAcquis i t i onI nstitute . ( C ) Continuin g education and p ro f essional de v elop m ent opportunities availa b le to acquisition professionals. ( D ) O pportunities to pursue higher education available to acquisition personnel , including scholarships and student loan forgiveness. ( 7 ) S uch other matters, findings, and recommendations as the Comptroller G eneral considers appropriate. (c) REL E VANT C OM M I TTEE S . — In this section, the term ‘ ‘relevant committees ’ ’ means each of the follo w ing

( 1 ) The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform of the H ouse of Representatives. ( 2 ) The Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives. ( 3 ) The Committee on Homeland Securit y and Government Affairs of the Senate. ( 4 ) The Committee on Armed Services of the Senate. Subti t leE—O t h e rMa tter sSEC.841 . R E PO R T STOCO NG RESS ON FUL L D EPLO YM ENT DEC I SIONS FOR M AJ OR AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM PRO - GRAMS. (a) IM P LEMENTATION S CH E DU LE.—Section 244 5 b(b)(2) of title 1 0 , U nited States Code, is amended by stri k ing ‘‘initial operational capability, and full operational capability’’ and inserting ‘‘full deployment decision, and full deployment’’. (b) C R ITICAL CHAN G ES IN P ROGRAM.—Section 2445c(d)(2)(A) of such title is amended by striking ‘‘initial operational capability’’ and inserting ‘‘a full deployment decision’’. (c) DE F INITIONS.—Section 2445a of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new subsections: ‘‘(e) FULL DEPLO Y MENT DECISION.—In this chapter, the term ‘full deployment decision’ means, with respect to a ma j or automated information system program, the final decision made by the M ile - stone Decision Authority authori z ing an increment of the program to deploy software for operational use. ‘‘(f) FULL DEPLOYMENT.—In this chapter, the term ‘full deploy- ment’ means, with respect to a major automated information system program, the fielding of an increment of the program in accordance with the terms of a full deployment decision.’’. SEC. 84 2 . AUT H ORI Z ATION TO TA K E ACTIONS TO CORRECT THE INDUS- TRIAL RESOURCE SHORTFALL FOR HIGH-PURITY B ERYL- LIUM METAL. N otwithstanding any limitation in section 303 of the Defense Production Act of 1 9 50 (50 U.S.C. App. 2093), an action may be taken under such section to correct an industrial resource shortfall or domestic industrial base shortfall for high-purity beryllium metal if such action does not cause the aggregate outstanding amount of all such actions for such shortfall to e x ceed ‘‘ $8 5,000,000’’. SEC. 84 3 . REPORT ON RARE EARTH MATERIALS IN THE DEFENSE SUPPLY CHAIN. (a) REPORT RE Q UIRED.—Not later than April 1, 2010, the Comp- troller General shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services 50USCap p .2 0 93note . D e fi nition.