Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2381

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123STA T . 23 6 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9tha t requi re s i n tensi v e m enta l health treatment o r hos p itali z a - tion .‘ ‘ ( ii )T he mem b er is d ia g nosed w ith a mental disorder and has ps yc hotic symptoms that require intensive mental health treatment or hospitalization. ‘‘(iii) The member is diagnosed with a mental disorder and has severe symptoms or severe impairment in f unctioning that require intensive mental health treatment or hospitaliza- tion. ’ ’. (e) FREQU E NCYOFA U TH OR IZ E D TR AV E L . —P aragraph ( 3 ) of sub- section (a) of such section 41 1h is amended to read as follows

‘‘(3) N ot more than a total of three roundtrips may be provided under paragraph (1) in any 60 -day period at G overnment e x pense to the individuals who , with respect to a member, are the designated individuals of that member in effect during that period. H owever, if the S ecretary concerned has granted a waiver under the second sentence of paragraph (1) with respect to a member, then for any 60-day period in which the waiver is in effect the limitation in the preceding sentence shall be ad j usted accordingly. I n addition, during any period during which there is in effect a non-medical attendant designation for a member under section 411 k of this title, not more than a total of two roundtrips may be provided under paragraph (1) in any 60-day period at Government expense until there no longer is a designation of a non-medical attendant or that designation transfers to another individual, in which case during the transfer period three roundtrips may be provided.’’. (f) STYLI S TIC AND C ONFOR M IN G AMENDMENTS.—Such section is further amended— (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘(a)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘(a) TRAVEL AND TRANS P ORTATION AUTHORIZED.—(1)’’

( 2 ) in subsection (b)— (A) by striking ‘‘(b)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘(b) D EFINI- TIONS.—(1)’’; and ( B ) in paragraph (3)— (i) by inserting ‘‘(A)’’ after ‘‘(3)’’; and (ii) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘family member’, with respect to a member, means the following: ‘‘(i) The member’s spouse. ‘‘(ii) Children of the member (including stepchildren, adopted children, and illegitimate children). ‘‘(iii) Parents of the member or persons in loco parentis to the member, including fathers and mothers through adoption and persons who stood in loco parentis to the member for a period not less than one year immediately before the member entered the uniformed service, except that only one father and one mother or their counterparts in loco parentis may be recognized in any one case. ‘‘(iv) Siblings of the member. ‘‘(v) A person related to the member as described in clause (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) who is also a member of the uniformed services.’’; (3) in subsection (c)— (A) by striking ‘‘(c)(1)’’ and inserting ‘‘(c) R OUND TRIP TRANSPORTATION AND PER DIEM ALLO W ANCE.—(1)’’; and