Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2310

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123STA T . 22 90PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2009 (b)CLERICA L AM E ND MEN T.—Theta b l e ofs e c t i o n satthebe g in - ning of cha p te r903 ofs u ch title is a m en d edb y adding at the end the follo w ing new item

‘ 9362.Sup p ort o fa t hle t ic pro g ra ms . ’ ’. SEC.529 . LANGU AGE TR A I NING CENTERS FO R M EM B ERSOFT H E ARME D FORCES AND CI V ILIAN EM P LO Y EES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. (a) P R OG RAM A U T H ORI Z ED.—The S ecretary of D efense may carry out a program to establish language training centers at accredited uni v ersities , senior military colleges, or other similar institutions of higher education for purposes of accelerating the development of foundational e x pertise in critical and strategic languages and regional area studies (as defined by the Secretary of Defense for purposes of this section) for members of the Armed F orces, including members of the reserve components and candidates of the R eserve O fficers ’ Training Corps programs, and civilian employees of the Department of Defense. (b) E LEMENT S .—Each language training center established under the program authori z ed by subsection (a) shall include the following: ( 1 ) Programs to provide that members of the Armed Forces or civilian employees of the Department of Defense who grad- uate from the institution of higher education concerned include members or employees, as the case may be, who are s k illed in the languages and area studies covered by the program from beginning through advanced skill levels. ( 2 ) Programs of language proficiency training for such mem- bers and civilian employees at the institution of higher edu- cation concerned in critical and strategic languages tailored to meet operational readiness re q uirements. (3) Alternative language training delivery systems and modalities to meet language and regional area study require- ments for such members and employees whether prior to deployment, during deployment, or post-deployment. ( 4 ) Programs on critical and strategic languages under the program that can be incorporated into Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programs to facilitate the development of lan- guage skills in such languages among future officers of the Armed Forces. ( 5 ) Training and education programs to expand the pool of qualified instructors and educators on critical and strategic languages and regional area studies under the program for the Armed Forces. ( 6 ) Programs to facilitate and encourage the recruitment of native and heritage speakers of critical and strategic lan- guages under the program into the Armed Forces and the civilian workforce of the Department of Defense and to support the Civilian L inguist Reserve Corps. (c) PARTNERSHI P S W ITH OTHER SCHOOLS.—Any language training center established under the program authorized by sub- section (a) may enter into a partnership with one or more local educational agencies to facilitate the development of skills in critical and strategic languages under the program among students attending the elementary and secondary schools of such agencies who may pursue a military career. 10USC2 001 notepr e c.