Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2199

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123STA T . 21 79PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 3 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 (2)Anas s e ss m en tof an yri s k tot h e nationa l se cu rity of the U nite dS tates or its citi z ens , includin g mem b ers of the Armed Ser v ices of the United States, that is p osed by such transfer or release and the actions taken to mitigate such risk . ( 3 ) T he terms of any agreement w ith the country or the freely associated State for the acceptance of such individual, including the amount of any financial assistance related to such agreement. (f) N one of the funds made available in this Act may be used to provide any immigration benefit (including a visa, admission into the United States or any of the United States territories, parole into the United States or any of the United States territories (other than parole for the purposes of prosecution and related detention), or classification as a refugee or applicant for asylum) to any individual who is detained, as of J une 2 4 ,2 0 0 9 , at Naval Station, G uantanamo B ay, C uba. (g) I n this section, the term ‘ ‘freely associated States ’ ’ means the F ederated States of M icronesia (FSM), the R epublic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), and the Republic of P alau. (h) Prior to the termination of detention operations at Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the President shall submit to the Congress a report in classified form describing the disposition or legal status of each individual detained at the facility as of the date of enactment of this Act. S EC . 5 53. Section 44903( j )(2)(C) of title 49, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new clause

‘‘(v) I N C LUSIO NO FD E TA INEES ON NO FL Y LIST. — The Assistant Secretary, in coordination with the Ter - rorist Screening Center, shall include on the No Fly L ist any individual who was a detainee held at the Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, unless the President certifies in writing to Congress that the detainee poses no threat to the United States, its citi- zens, or its allies. For purposes of this clause, the term ‘detainee’ means an individual in the custody or under the physical control of the United States as a result of armed conflict.’’. SEC. 554. For fiscal year 20 1 0 and thereafter, the Secretary of H omeland Security may collect fees from any non-Federal partici- pant in a conference, seminar, e x hibition, symposium, or similar meeting conducted by the D epartment of Homeland Security in advance of the conference, either directly or by contract, and those fees shall be credited to the appropriation or account from which the costs of the conference, seminar, exhibition, symposium, or similar meeting are paid and shall be available to pay the costs of the Department of Homeland Security with respect to the con- ference or to reimburse the Department for costs incurred with respect to the conference: Provide d, That in the event the total amount of fees collected with respect to a conference exceeds the actual costs of the Department of Homeland Security with respect to the conference, the amount of such excess shall be deposited into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Provided fu r th er, That the Secretary shall provide a report to the Committees on Appro- priations of the Senate and the House of Representatives not later than January 5, 2011, providing the level of collections and a Reports.D e adlin e. F ees. 6USC4 6 9 a. De f inition. C ub a. P resident. Certifi c ation. President. Reports. Classified infor m ation. Definition.