Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2083

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123STA T . 2 06 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 –7 3 —O CT. 1 5, 200 9(12)The 2 0 0 9Pakist a n i m i l ita ryof fensi v einthe NWF P an d the F A TA dis p la c ed millions of residents in one of the g ravest h u manitarian crises Pakistan has faced , and despite the heroic efforts of Pakistanis to respond to the needs of the displaced millions and facilitate the return of many, it has highlighted the need for Pakistan to develop an effective national counterinsurgency strategy .SEC.4 .S TA TE M E N T OFPRI NCIP L ES. C ongress declares that the relationship b et w een the U nited S tates and Pakistan should be based on the following principles

(1) Pakistan is a critical friend and ally to the United States, both in times of strife and in times of peace, and the two countries share many common goals, including com - bating terrorism and violent radicalism, solidifying democracy and rule of law in Pakistan, and promoting the social and economic development of Pakistan. (2) United States assistance to Pakistan is intended to supplement, not supplant, Pakistan ’ s own efforts in building a stable, secure, and prosperous Pakistan. ( 3 ) The United States re q uires a balanced, integrated, countrywide strategy for Pakistan that provides assistance throughout the country and does not disproportionately focus on security-related assistance or one particular area or province. ( 4 ) The United States supports Pakistan’s struggle against e x tremist elements and recogni z es the profound sacrifice made by Pakistan in the fight against terrorism, including the loss of more than 1,900 soldiers and police since 2001 in combat with al Q aeda, the Taliban, and other extremist and terrorist groups. ( 5 ) The United States intends to work with the G overnment of Pakistan — (A) to build mutual trust and confidence by actively and consistently pursuing a sustained, long-term, multi- faceted relationship between the two countries, devoted to strengthening the mutual security, stability, and pros- perity of both countries

( B ) to support the people of Pakistan and their demo- cratic government in their efforts to consolidate democracy, including strengthening Pakistan’s parliament, helping Pakistan reestablish an independent and transparent j udicial system, and working to extend the rule of law in all areas in Pakistan; (C) to promote sustainable long-term development and infrastructure projects, including in healthcare, education, water management, and energy programs, in all areas of Pakistan, that are sustained and supported by each succes- sive democratic government in Pakistan; ( D ) to ensure that all the people of Pakistan, including those living in areas governed by the Frontier Crimes R egulation, have access to public, modernized education and vocational training to enable them to provide for them- selves, for their families, and for a more prosperous future for their children; ( E ) to support the strengthening of core curricula and the quality of schools across Pakistan, including madrassas, in order to improve the prospects for Pakistani children’s 2 2 USC8403.