Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2028

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123STA T . 2 0 0 8PUBLIC LA W 111 –67— S E PT. 30 , 200 9ap p ro pr i a tes teps to m ai n tain an d en h an c e the domestic ind u s - tria lb ase

‘ (5) in order to ensure national de f ense preparedness , it is necessar y and appropriate to assure the a v ailability of domestic ener g y supplies for national defense needs; ‘‘( 6 ) to further assure the ade q uate maintenance of the domestic industrial base, to the ma x imum extent possible, domestic energy supplies should be augmented through reliance on rene w able energy sources (including solar, geothermal, wind, and biomass sources), more efficient energy storage and dis- tribution technologies, and energy conservation measures; ‘‘( 7 ) much of the industrial capacity that is relied upon by the U nited S tates G overnment for military production and other national defense purposes is deeply and directly influ- enced by — ‘‘( A ) the overall competitiveness of the industrial economy of the United States; and ‘‘( B ) the ability of industries in the United States, in general, to produce internationally competitive products and operate profitably while maintaining adequate research and development to preserve competitiveness with respect to military and civilian production; and ‘‘( 8 ) the inability of industries in the United States, espe- cially smaller subcontractors and suppliers, to provide vital parts and components and other materials would impair the ability to sustain the Armed F orces of the United States in combat for longer than a short period . ‘‘(b) S TA T EM E N T OFP O LICY .— I t is the policy of the United States that— ‘‘( 1 ) to ensure the adequacy of productive capacity and supply, Federal departments and agencies that are responsible for national defense acquisition should continuously assess the capability of the domestic industrial base to satisfy production requirements under both peacetime and emergency conditions, specifically evaluating the availability of adequate production sources, including subcontractors and suppliers, materials, s k illed labor, and professional and technical personnel; ‘‘( 2 ) every effort should be made to foster cooperation between the defense and commercial sectors for research and development and for acquisition of materials, components, and equipment; ‘‘( 3 ) plans and programs to carry out the purposes of this Act should be undertaken with due consideration for promoting efficiency and competition; ‘‘( 4 ) in providing United States Government financial assistance under this Act to correct a domestic industrial base shortfall, the President should give consideration to the creation or maintenance of production sources that will remain economi- cally viable after such assistance has ended; ‘‘(5) authorities under this Act should be used to reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorist attacks, and to minimi z e the damage and assist in the recovery from ter- rorist attacks that occur in the United States; ‘‘(6) in order to ensure productive capacity in the event of an attack on the United States, the United States Govern- ment should encourage the geographic dispersal of industrial facilities in the United States to discourage the concentration