Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/187

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123STA T . 1 67PUBLIC LA W 111 –5—FE B. 17 , 2 0 0 9CONSTRU CT I ON Foran a d d it iona l a m o u nt f or ‘ ‘ C on s tru c tion ’ ’ , for acti v iti e son all B ureau of L and M ana g ement lands including construction, reconstruction, decommissioning and re p air of roads, b ridges, trails, propert y , and facilities and for energy efficient retrofits of e x isting facilities, $180 ,000,000 .W I LD L A ND F IR EM ANA G EMENT For an additional amount for ‘‘ W ildland Fire Management’’, for h a z ardous fuels reduction, $1 5 ,000,000. U NITED S TATES FIS H AND WILDLIFE SER V ICE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT For an additional amount for ‘‘ R esource Management’’, for deferred maintenance, construction, and capital improvement pro j ects on national w ildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries and for high priority habitat restoration projects, $1 6 5,000,000. CONSTRUCTION For an additional amount for ‘‘Construction’’, for construction, reconstruction, and repair of roads, bridges, property, and facilities and for energy efficient retrofits of existing facilities, $115,000,000. N ATIONAL P AR K SERVICE O P ERATION OF THE NATIONAL PARK S Y STEM For an additional amount for ‘‘ O peration of the National Par k System’’, for deferred maintenance of facilities and trails and for other critical repair and rehabilitation projects, $1 4 6,000,000. HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND For an additional amount for ‘‘ H istoric Preservation Fund’’, for historic preservation projects at historically black colleges and universities as authorized by the Historic Preservation Fund A ct of1 9 96 and the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Act of 1996, $15,000,000


d ,T hat any matching re q uirements otherwise required for such projects are waived. CONSTRUCTION For an additional amount for ‘‘Construction’’, for repair and restoration of roads

construction of facilities, including energy effi - cient retrofits of existing facilities; equipment replacement; preservation and repair of historical resources within the National Park System; cleanup of abandoned mine sites on park lands; and other critical infrastructure projects, $589,000,000.