Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1779

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123STA T . 1 759PUBLIC LA W 111 – 2 4—M A Y 22 , 2 0 09 (A)newprog r ams an d ser vic es th at the tas kf orce recommends u nder paragraph ( 3 )( B )

and (B) programs and services identified under paragraph ( 1 )(B); ( 5 ) make recommendations on how the Administrator ma y inform and educate with respect to — (A) the needs identified under paragraph (1)(A); (B) new programs and services that the task force recommends under paragraph (3)(B); and ( C ) programs and services identified under paragraph (1)(B); ( 6 ) make recommendations on how the Administrator may more effective l y work with pu b lic and private interests to address the information technology security needs of small business concerns; and ( 7 ) make recommendations on the creation of a permanent advisory board that would make recommendations to the Administrator on how to address the information technology security needs of small business concerns . (d) INTER NET W E BSI TE R E COM MEN DA TIONS.— T he task force shall make recommendations to the Administrator relating to the establishment of an Internet website to be used by the Administra - tion to receive and dispense information and resources with respect to the needs identified under subsection (c)(1)(A) and the programs and services identified under subsection (c)(1)(B). As part of the recommendations , the task force shall identify the Internet sites of appropriate programs, services, and organi z ations, both public and private, to which the Internet website should link. (e) E D U CATION P RO G RAMS.—The task force shall make rec- ommendations to the Administrator relating to developing addi- tional education materials and programs with respect to the needs identified under subsection (c)(1)(A). (f) E X ISTING M ATERIA L S.—The task force shall organize and distribute e x isting materials that inform and educate with respect to the needs identified under subsection (c)(1)(A) and the programs and services identified under subsection (c)(1)(B). (g) COORDINATION WIT H PUBLIC AND PRI V ATE S ECTOR.—In car- rying out its responsibilities under this section, the task force shall coordinate with, and may accept materials and assistance as it determines appropriate from, public and private entities, including— (1) any subordinate officer of the Administrator; ( 2 ) any organization authorized by the Small Business Act to provide assistance and advice to small business concerns; (3) other F ederal agencies, their officers, or employees; and ( 4 ) any other organization, entity, or person not described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3). (h) A P POINTMENT O F MEMBERS.— (1) CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON.—The task force shall have— (A) a Chairperson, appointed by the Administrator; and (B) a V ice-Chairperson, appointed by the Adminis- trator, in consultation with appropriate nongovernmental organizations, entities, or persons. (2) MEMBERS.— Recom me nda-ti on s.