Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1605

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123STA T . 1 58 5 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9improveth eir c omm un itie sa n d themse l ves throu g h service in their communities ,’ ’


in paragraph ( 2 ), by stri k ing ‘ ‘, and individuals 60 years o f age or older w ill be given priority for enroll - ment,’’; and ( C ) in paragraph ( 4 ) — (i) by striking ‘‘established and will be carried out’’ and inserting ‘‘designed and implemented’’; and (ii) by striking ‘‘field of service’’ and all that follows through the period at the end and inserting ‘‘field of service to be provided, as well as persons who have e x pertise in the management of volunteers and the needs of older individuals . ’’; and (2) by adding at the end the following

‘‘(e)( 1 ) Beginning with fiscal year 201 3 and for each fiscal year thereafter, each grant or contract awarded under this section, for such a year, shall be— ‘‘( A ) awarded for a period of 3 years, with an option for a grant renewal of 3 years if the grantee meets the perform- ances measures established under subsection (g); and ‘‘(B) awarded through a competitive process described in paragraph (2). ‘‘(2)(A) T he Corporation shall promulgate regulations estab- lishing the competitive process re q uired under paragraph (1)(B), and make such regulations available to the public, not later than 1 8 months after the date of the enactment of the S erve America Act. The Corporation shall consult with the directors of programs receiving grants under this section during the development and implementation of the competitive process. ‘‘(B) The competitive process required by subparagraph (A) shall— ‘‘(i) include the use of a peer review panel, including mem- bers with expertise in senior service and aging, to review applications; ‘‘(ii) include site inspections of programs assisted under this section, as appropriate; ‘‘(iii) in the case of an applicant who has previously received a grant or contract for a program under this section, include an evaluation of the program conducted by a review team, as described in subsection (f); ‘‘(iv) ensure that— ‘‘( I ) the grants or contracts awarded under this section through the competitive process for a grant or contract cycle support an aggregate number of volunteer service years for a given geographic service area that is not less than the aggregate number of volunteer service years sup- ported under this section for such service area for the previous grant or contract cycle; ‘‘(II) the grants or contracts awarded under this section through the competitive process for a grant or contract cycle maintain a similar program distribution, as compared to the program distribution for the previous grant or con- tract cycle; and ‘‘(III) every effort is made to minimi z e the disruption to volunteers; and ‘‘(v) include the use of performance measures, outcomes, and other criteria established under subsection (g). Consulta t i on .Reg ulations. P u b li c in f o rm ation. D ea d line. E ffecti v e date. G rants. Contracts.