Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1575

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123STA T . 1 5 55 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9to t he tot alp op u lat i o n o f the s e v e r al S tates , the D istri c t of C olu mb ia, an d the Common w ealth of P uerto R ico .‘ ‘ (B) R EAL L OTM E N T. —I f a State Commission does not appl y for an allotment under this subsection for any fiscal year, or if the State Commission ’ s application is not approved, the Corporation shall reallot the amount of the State Commission’s allotment to the remainin g State Commissions in accordance with subparagraph ( A ). ‘‘(C) A D M I NI S T R ATI V E C OSTS.— O f the amount allotted to a State Commission under subparagraph (A), not more than 1 . 5 percent of such amount may be used for adminis - trative costs. ‘‘( 3 ) NU M B ERO FP OSITIONS.— T he Corporation shall— ‘‘(A) establish or increase the number of approved national service positions under this subsection during each of fiscal years 20 10 through 201 4; ‘‘(B) establish the number of approved positions at 500 for fiscal year 2010; and ‘‘(C) increase the number of the approved positions to— ‘‘(i) 7 50 for fiscal year 2011; ‘‘(ii) 1,000 for fiscal year 2012; ‘‘(iii) 1,250 for fiscal year 2013; and ‘‘(iv) 1,500 for fiscal year 2014. ‘‘(4) U SES OF G RANT FUNDS.— ‘‘(A) RE Q UIRED USES.—A grant awarded under this sub- section shall be used to enable fellows to carry out service pro j ects in areas of national need. ‘‘(B) PERMITTED USES.—A grant awarded under this subsection may be used for— ‘‘(i) oversight activities and mechanisms for the service sites of the fellows, as determined necessary by the State Commission or the Corporation, which may include site visits; ‘‘(ii) activities to augment the e x perience of fellows, including activities to engage the fellows in networ k ing opportunities with other national service participants; and ‘‘(iii) recruitment or training activities for fellows. ‘‘(5) APPLICATIONS.—To be eligible to receive a grant under this subsection, a State Commission shall submit an application to the Corporation at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Corporation may re q uire, including information on the criteria and procedures that the State Commission will use for overseeing ServeAmerica F ellowship placements for service projects, under subsection (e). ‘‘(c) E LIGIBLE FELLO W S H IP RECIPIENTS.— ‘‘(1) APPLICATION.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—An applicant desiring to become an eligible fellowship recipient shall submit an application to a State Commission that has elected to participate in the program authori z ed under this section, at such time and in such manner as the Commission may require, and containing the information described in subparagraph (B) and such additional information as the Commission may require. An applicant may submit such application to only 1 State Commission for a fiscal year.