Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1488

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123STA T . 1 468PUBLIC LA W 111 – 13 — AP R .21 , 2 0 0 9‘ ‘ SEC.1 1 2 . A SS I S T A N CET O STATES , TE R RITORIES, AN D INDIAN TRI B ES. ‘ ‘ (a)AL L OTMEN T S TO S T A TES ,T E R R I TORIES, AN DI NDIAN TRI B ES .— T heCorp ora ti o n ,in c on sul tation w ith the Secretar y o fEd ucation, m ay ma k e allotments to State educational a g encies, territories, and Indian tri b es to pay for the F ederal share of— ‘‘( 1 ) planning and building the capacity within the State, territory, or Indian tribe in v olved to implement service - learning programs that are based principally in elementary schools and secondary schools, including— ‘‘(A) providing training and professional development for teachers, supervisors, personnel from community-based entities (particularly with regard to the recruitment, utili- z ation, and management of participants), and trainers, to be conducted by q ualified individuals or organizations that have e x perience with service-learning

‘‘( B ) developing service-learning curricula, consistent with State or local academic content standards, to be integrated into academic programs, including curricula for an age-appropriate learning component that provides participants an opportunity to analyze and apply their service experiences; ‘‘(C) forming local partnerships described in paragraph ( 2 )or( 4 )( D ) to develop school-based service-learning pro- grams in accordance with this part; ‘‘(D) devising appropriate methods for research on and evaluation of the educational value of service-learning and the effect of service-learning activities on communities; ‘‘(E) establishing effective outreach and dissemination of information to ensure the broadest possible involvement of community-based entities with demonstrated effective- ness in working with school-age youth in their commu- nities; and ‘‘(F) establishing effective outreach and dissemination of information to ensure the broadest possible participation of schools throughout the State, throughout the territory, or serving the Indian tribe involved with particular atten- tion to schools not making adequate yearly progress for two or more consecutive years under section 1111 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1 965 (2 0U .S.C. 6 3 01 et seq.); ‘‘(2) implementing, operating, or expanding school-based service-learning programs, which may include paying for the cost of the recruitment, training, supervision, placement, sala- ries, and benefits of service-learning coordinators, through dis- tribution by State educational agencies, territories, and Indian tribes of Federal funds made available under this part to pro j ects operated by local partnerships among— ‘‘(A) local educational agencies; and ‘‘(B) 1 or more community partners that— ‘‘(i) shall include a public or private nonprofit organization that— ‘‘(I) has a demonstrated expertise in the provi- sion of services to meet unmet human, education, environmental, or public safety needs; ‘‘(II) will make projects available for partici- pants, who shall be students; and 42USC1 2 5 2 3.