Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/1349

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123STA T . 132 9PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 —M A R .3 0, 2009 (e)VENU E .—Anysuitp u r su a ntt o t h is se c tion m ay b e brou g ht in any U nite dS tates district court in the State in w hich any non -F edera l party to the suit is situated. SEC.940 4. AUTHORIZ ATIO N O F A P PROPRIATIONS. (a) I N G ENE RAL .— T here is authori z ed to be appropriated to the Secretary such sums as may be necessary to meet the obliga- tions o f the Secretary under the P rogram D ocuments , to remain a v ailable until e x pended. (b) NO N- R E IMB UR S ABLE AN D NON-RE T URNABLE.—All amounts appropriated to and expended by the Secretary for the LC R M SCP shall be non-reimbursable and non-returnable. Subti t leF— Se c u r e Wa ter SEC. 9 5 0 1 . FIN D IN G S. Congress finds that— ( 1 ) ade q uate and safe supplies of water are fundamental to the health, economy, security, and ecology of the United States

( 2 ) systematic data-gathering with respect to, and research and development of, the water resources of the United States will help ensure the continued existence of sufficient quantities of water to support— (A) increasing populations; ( B ) economic growth; (C) irrigated agriculture; (D) energy production; and ( E ) the protection of aquatic ecosystems; ( 3 ) global climate change poses a significant challenge to the protection and use of the water resources of the United States due to an increased uncertainty with respect to the timing, form, and geographical distribution of precipitation, which may have a substantial effect on the supplies of water for agricultural, hydroelectric power, industrial, domestic supply, and environmental needs; ( 4 ) although States bear the primary responsibility and authority for managing the water resources of the United States, the Federal Government should support the States, as well as regional, local, and tribal governments, by carrying out— (A) nationwide data collection and monitoring activi- ties; (B) relevant research; and (C) activities to increase the efficiency of the use of water in the United States; ( 5 ) Federal agencies that conduct water management and related activities have a responsibility— (A) to ta k e a lead role in assessing risks to the water resources of the United States (including risks posed by global climate change); and (B) to develop strategies— (i) to mitigate the potential impacts of each risk described in subparagraph (A); and 42USC1036 1 .